How do investments create jobs? Would GE, Ford, Chrisler, Microsoft, Apple, etc... ever have gotten to where they are without money from investors? People just don't pull the money out of nowhere, they develop business plans, find investors to fund them, etc... Even the McDonalds Franchises, often they are investments by rich people in order to make more money. What is the entire purpose of publicly traded stocks? The initial stock offerings are to raise capital. Nursing homes? Without the rich people to build them in an attempt to make more money, they wouldn't exist. Right there, those are nursing jobs, nurses aids, dietary, medical records, maintenance, food services, etc...
Why are we losing jobs by the thousands? Because our idiotic government, decided everybody should be able to own a home even if they couldn't afford it. They strongly encouraged banks to give out loans to those that didn't qualify under previous standards, and then as Mortgage rates changed, those unqualified home owners couldn't pay their mortgages, and without that money, the credit market dried up. Billions and billions of investor dollars lost due to the government meddling in the housing market. As banks collapsed because of it, those rich people lost an awful lot of money, and no longer have it available to invest in other areas, so they are unable to stem the tide.