i recentally joined a new league with heavy oil. my particle ball revs up too early and hooks and goes brooklyn, and my other equipment isnt any better. I was recomended teh v2 sanded because it has been out for a long time and has a good reaction on med-heavy oil. But many people in that league are throwing the ultimate inferno. Any pros or cons from any users out there as well as recomendations as to which is better. I ususally play a bit straight up 2 arrow, maybe swing it 3-4 boards, but am willing to play the hole lane and hook out of the house. 16 mph avg speed, kinf ob a stroker and a tweener, i dont ahve cranker hand, but not stroker either. The stuff i am using is a throttle up, sharp blade, saw blade (i know all particle, but i didnt pay for 2 of them FREEBIES)
287 high game
808 high series (3 games)