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Author Topic: Bracket Players  (Read 3504 times)


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Bracket Players
« on: February 18, 2004, 06:39:25 PM »
I don’t understand the bracket phenomena. Hose mentioned in another post that a backer of a high roller participant had him fly back for a league because of the bracket money.

If the same handful of guys win the lion share of the money every week why do all the pigeons keep getting in? I realize I’m a little cheap with my money. But if I got in brackets for a couple of months and lost my shirt virtually every week I’d quit getting in.

Now everyone here is going to chime in and say how wonderful they do in brackets. But for every winner there are at least 6 losers. Why do the losers keep getting in?

I guess it is the lottery mentality.


Game In a BoxLC

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Re: Bracket Players
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2004, 02:04:49 PM »
the place i bowl in on thursdays the scores are outrageous, if you do not shoot a 230 you will get knocked out of every bracket you are in. i shot 279 3 weeks ago and got knocked out of 3.

i am at 223 in the league, so all i need to do is shoot 10 pins over my average each game to hopefully break even.

My dad is at 195 and he puts me in and himself into 4 brackets each week, ive told him again and again its silly for him to get into brackets each week he is not a 230 average bowler, but every week he comes in thinking he is going to bowl well. Now back in his heyday he would sweep brackets, jackpots, eliminators but he was bowling more than once a week.

I guess its a matter of pride, i usually do ok in brackets but when im bowling badly i don't get in. and its the same addiction of gambling, you hope for the one big payday and don't realize you would have more money if you simply didnt get in. spending 800 to get 600 is stupid.
I'm left handed and i've got a ball and a wall.

The forum whore formerly known as leftycrank300/JasonBogeyLC


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Re: Bracket Players
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2004, 02:35:07 PM »
I don't have a problem with the "house" keeping a portion of the bracket money. Where I have a problem is with the "house" keeping the money AND not doing a very good job of running brackets.

Here's one for you...
A tournament association I belong to uses the Ebonite tournament software, which also supports brackets. However, the tournament director didn't want to run brackets, so another bowler is doing it.
He is doing a pretty poor job of it. I have offered to help him (for no $$), because I know the software pretty well, but he so far has refused the help. Last tournament, he screwed up with the data entry, and had to use the other ocmputer to get the bracket results, and then screwed up on the payout - I won one, and he tried to pay me for second place.

These guys - until they really know what they're doing, seems to me they shouldn't keep a cut...

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just joe

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Re: Bracket Players
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2004, 02:47:25 PM »
I don't have a problem with some getting paid for service. 25% is just too much. 25 brackets at $6.00 each, $150.00 for 3 hours while bowling, post   game 1 scores during game 3, than only prints total payouts. I'm not in.

Mikey C

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Re: Bracket Players
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2004, 03:17:48 PM »
$6 on $24 is too much. The standard is to take one entry fee (12.5%) per bracket. I can remember running these things by hand in tournaments where we had 60-80 brackets per squad and keeping up some what. It was all we did for hours on end. I can still remember a hub bub that started over brackets while bowling a tournament similar to the state. A bunch of guys on our squad didn't like the idea that there was a cut being taken and put out there own brackets. The owner of the center threw a fit and told them they could take it down the road in such not so nice terms. We pretty much had to simmer down several people who wanted to take this guy apart over what would have amounted to probably $80-100. Now I am with you just joe, if they are ran like crap I don't like the cut being taken out at all.


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Re: Bracket Players
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2004, 10:45:11 AM »
There is a high average league where I bowl at that runs about 40 brackets at $5 each.  Of the $40 per bracket the bowlers get back $36, the houses get $1 for the junior program and the people who run it get $3 (or 7.5 percent).

Edited on 2/20/2004 11:41 AM