for me i used to be brand loyal to hammer then dv8 and now storm. When i was with hammer i loved the taboo series and mostly threw that, dv8 came out with their divas and nightmares and stuck with their brand for awhile, but the thing is both brands were very inconsistent for me. If i miss just a little left or right it could be a washout, weak 10, or 4 pin, very touchy on how accurate i needed to be. With storm, i threw one ball and the error margin was larger, more continuous. So then i got another storm ball, same results, and then another and then another. Mostly everything had more room for error than the other brands. Basically what I'm saying is me being brand loyal to storm is because i don't have to be as precise (which i know is bad) as the other brands, more room for error, better carry, and average sky rocketed.
Oh should also put during this time I have tried other brands such as motiv and other ebonite brands. Just didnt work for me especially the famous venom shock that everyone loves.