Check out Ron Clifton's article on the release
There are many ways of putting revs on the ball here is a list of techniques used from least to most:
1. flat with pinkie extended (away from ring finger) and index finger pulled in toward the middle finger = straight up the back release with little or no side rotation.
2. Flat with pinkie and index finger extended = stable hand with little side rotation (less than 20 degrees).
3. Pinkie pulled in tight with index half extended = between 20 and 40 degrees of rotation.
4. Pinkie pulled in tight with index fully extended = between 40 and 75 degrees of rotation depending on flexibility.
5. Pinkie tucked in with index fully extended = Max rotation and revs.
6. Wrist cupped with all of the above finger positions to trigger this release I agree with Rags, about pushing your palm through the flat spot in the release to keep from grabbing on it, this also keeps your fingers below the midline of the ball and prevents an early release. Most of the people I have seen that couldn't do this release either have a weak wrist or try to hook the ball so much that they uncoil their wrist too early.
7. bent elbow into the release. This is dangerous and causes tendentious, but many pros like Tommy Jones and Robert Smith use this type of release with much success.
8. Cocking the wrist toward the sliding foot and uncocking it at the release puts added siderotation plus added revs.
9. Combining 5,6,7 and 8 = Robert Smith.
Edited on 4/15/2005 9:49 PM