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Author Topic: What To Do???  (Read 2490 times)


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What To Do???
« on: March 02, 2016, 09:04:39 AM »
I have a chance to pick up a NIB Optimus Solid for a decent price (not cheap though), but I'm not sure if I should spend the money on it or invest in the balls I've already got.  Plus I'm not sure if the Optimus Solid would be too much overlap or too similar to what I've already got.  The balls in question are a Storm Special Agent (love it!!), a Roto Grip Defiant Soul (love it too and just had it resurfaced; shot a 737 after picking it up last week) and a Roto Grip Theory.  I've had pretty good success with the Theory but not as much as the other two.   Both the Special Agent and Theory are in very good shape but need to be resurfaced, so I don't know if spending $50 to have both resurfaced would be a wiser investment (besides being a lot cheaper!!) than spending over 3 times that amount (ball plus drilling) for the Optimus.

As usual, opinions are welcome!!
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Re: What To Do???
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 09:20:46 AM »
Not a big fan of the optimus even less so on the solid. Put an early rolling core and a strong cover stock with surface together equals burn up city to me. Seems to roll better for the power crowd but I don't even know any of them that overly like it. My PSO told me that his distributor was blowing them out buy 1 get three free so I wouldn't bet surprised if you don't see some blow out prices on it from buddies or somewhere soon. 


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Re: What To Do???
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 11:02:28 AM »
Optimus solid has not been a home run for Storm by any means.  Having said that it may be a ball that would match your game very well based on the balls you have said you like.  I am not a big fan of trying to get balls back to box condition through resurfacing.  I loved the Theory, but it tamed down quickly for me.  Likewise with the Special Agent. 

If I were you I would spend 50 to resurface the Theory.  If it doesn't work out you may be able to pick up an Optimus at a bargain price in a couple more months and not be out any more than you would by buying the Optimus now. 


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Re: What To Do???
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2016, 05:05:24 PM »
Have one.  Bought it the day it came out.  Used it maybe 20 games since July '15.  Crap ball.  Saw an older lady bowl with one last night and she got that thing to move.  Her ball speed was 8-10 mph, and she bowled a back up ball.  So..... If you have a very low ball speed, don't expect much-at all. :-\


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Re: What To Do???
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 08:49:32 PM »
didn't have one, but unless you feel you are getting a screaming deal I would pass.

The guys in my league that had one, used them for only a couple weeks before ditching the balls.

the special agent, that is an awesome ball.  mine cracked out last year.  I am still in mourning.


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Re: What To Do???
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2016, 11:24:39 PM »
The optimus solid es VERY condition specific, not a bad ball, but its specific, thats why sales on that ball are not the best ones and you van buy them for 109 dollars.

It definitely will give you another look since its sym, but i would look on to something else, sounds to me more of a want based on the deal you are getting than a need

Best regards
Motiv Paranoia 40*4*55
Motiv Jackal Carnage 40*4*55
Hammer BWRLS 50*4*55
RG Haywire 40*3.5*50
Storm Rocket 4.5*4*2
Motiv Burn 50*5*40
Motiv Tag 50*5*40
RG Devour 55*5.5*60
Motiv Venom Shock 45*3 3/4*35

PAP 4 3/4" left 1/2 up
Revs: 400.     Ball Speed: 16 mph


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Re: What To Do???
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2016, 12:36:29 PM »
Thanks for all the replies.  Decided to pass on the deal and invest a little money in the balls I've already got.  Besides, I know where the ball is at (a friend bought it then decided not to drill it, so it's just setting) so if I decide later I want it and it's still available, I can probably get it at an even better price.

Thanks again!!
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