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Author Topic: Broken Wrist (Recovery)  (Read 585 times)


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Broken Wrist (Recovery)
« on: December 05, 2005, 03:25:39 AM »
I broke my wrist in the middle of September, and I am now on my way back to recovery.  I have about 60% flexibility and I'm starting to build strength.

How should I go about getting back into bowling?

I am taking this as an opportunity to improve my game in that my ultimate downfall was the fact that I threw the ball rather hard (18+ mph strike ball, 21+ mph for spares), and now that I basically have to relearn the game, I will be dropping down to 15 pounds and a much lower ball speed.

Does anyone have any exercises or advice for getting back into the "swing" of things?
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Re: Broken Wrist (Recovery)
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 12:45:59 PM »
These are some easy exercises that you can do in your own time:

I would also suggest getting a dumbell and starting doing some wrist curls as well as holding the weight on one end and twisting your wrist while holding it.

I broke a bone in my hand last January and lot a ton of strength and flexibility while being in my cast.  The above exercises helped me out a whole lot.  Prior to the injury I also through 16lb equipment and was actually just going to change to 15's.  When I got enough strength back and decided to try bowling again I drilled out a used 13lb'r we had laying around the shop and threw that for a while.  I actually had to wear a "Mr. Wrister" for a while as my tendons felt the strain fairly quickly at first.  If you can find someone with a light weight ball I would buy any old thing off of Ebay and drill it.  

Remember to take it slow as you can cause various injuries by pushing yourself too fast!!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA