Hotwire, I think your location certainly answers a lot of my questions. My living in Michigan and yours in N.Y., we probably both live in two of the extreme situations for certain. So it's hard to compare. Thanks a bunch for the info!!! It's interesting to see how bowling exists in different areas, especially other extreme areas like N.Y.
Darrell, I guess Detroit is just such a cut throat market, they probably have to do the quartermania to keep up. And because that center is a clean and well lit center, they are doing ok NOT because of quartermania, but because they get the league bowlers and weekend bowlers when they charge more. Tell me if I'm wrong.
You are actually supporting my argument here Darrell. Look at Metro Detroit, and watch how many centers close down every year. At least one or two seem to close down every year. I look at Lansing where they have 2 centers for sure that charge a high price for bowling, and their weekends have waiting lists every weekend during the season. Holiday Lanes charges either $4 or $4.50 per game, and they always have a waiting list. Centers closing down means bowlers quitting means bad for the sport. If a center hasn't already modernized, they cannot afford to do it now and then run quartermania. If they've modernized already in the last 2-5 years, then they can get away with it because they didn't lose their bowlers yet.
Metro Detroit centers cannot charge these high prices too often because there's always somebody around the corner that will run quartermania to undercut them. But take a look at Pampa Lanes in Warren. They charge high rent on the weekends and the place is packed!!! They do so by simply creating the atmosphere that draws the young crowds their way.
Again, Metro Detroit is an extreme situation and very complex as is N.Y. I am basing my statements on what I've seen executed in some of the smaller markets like Lansing, Bay City, Flint, Kalamazoo, Jackson, and so on.
My main point was this--people get used to paying a certain price, and then they won't pay the normal prices or will complain like crazy when you take away the quartermania to keep up with inflation. While it's nice for us bowlers to be able to go and bowl for super cheap, it's not necessarily the best thing for the sport or the industry. When the sport and industry suffer, we the bowlers suffer too.
http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"