according to wtba rules:
A. Weight more than 10 pounds (4.53 kg)
a) Not more than three (3) ounces (85 g) difference between top half of the ball (finger
hole side) and the bottom half (side opposite the finger holes)
b) Not more than one (1) ounce (28 g) difference between the sides to the right and left
of the finger holes or between the sides in front and back of the finger holes
c) A ball drilled without a thumbhole may not have more than one (1) ounce (28 g) difference
between any two halves of the ball
d) A ball drilled without any finger holes or indentations may not have more than one
(1) ounce (28 g) difference between any two halves of the ball
e) A ball used without any hole or indentations may not have more than one (1) ounce(28 g) difference between any two halves of the ball 68
my current arsenal....secret agent
power agent
attitude shift
gravity shift
tropical storm
jolt solid
storm spare
thunderstruck pearl
street rod solid
street rod pearl
perfect dimension
rapid fire pearl
fired up II
BOWL UP A STORMwww.bandofbowlers.sgEdited on 11/27/2008 6:04 AM