Under the Cross Road, I would suggest a Roto Grip Rising Star. The hybrid cover/core are clean up front with a strong backend, but has a smooth predictable motion. It would be a great compliment.
Going above the Rogue Cell, the Defiant is a great compliment. I use those 2 balls and the Defiant is basically a newer version of the Rogue Cell except with a stronger solid cover and slightly different core. I find that the Defiant has a similar motion to the Rogue Cell, just being slightly less angular but has the same predictable read and hitting power as the Rogue.
Comparing the Defiant to the VG Nano that I used to have, the Defiant is a much better match for me, being more predictable, smoother down lane, and does better with carrydown where the Nano would leave weak 10s or a pocket split.