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Author Topic: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...  (Read 5497 times)


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Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:36:37 AM »

Bowling Tourney was waiting for the shot to open up early in the second game made it the trough all of my brackets the first and I was getting lined up pretty well. I moved left out in front of the return on the right lane, was planning on going about 22 at the arrows out to around 10, went to slide and... NO SLIDE!!!!!! I managed to get the ball out on the lane and not pull it the problem was it was very slow, with fair amount hand. Through the face for a split. Short end of the story is I ended changing balls, lines, and hand position to get past the problem and through the second game away and my brackets away. I was not impressed.

Does anyone have good Ideas or solutions when you see this problem? Ways to work around it? Is taking a towel up in front of the return and rubbing it down legal before play starts? Something anything cause I cringe everytime I see Synthetic approaches anywhere these days, this was just the latest issue I have had issues in multiple houses that have synthetic approaches.
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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2009, 10:46:02 AM »
top line bowling shoes have removable soles and heels that compensate for all approaches you may come across. one of the best bowling investments you'll ever make.


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2009, 10:51:54 AM »
I have shoes with remvoable heels and soles, I changed them after I stuck the first time, no difference, it never makes a difference on a Brunswick approach it seems.
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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2009, 10:55:22 AM »
You can ask for any approach to be cleaned.  Maybe they just didn't do a good job that far over.  Also, ALL synthetic approaches are extremely humidity sensitive.  Too humid and you'll have sticking issues no matter what sole you have.  If they clean them really good and there's no humidity, you'd think someone spilled baby powder on the approach.
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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2009, 11:22:59 AM »
I bowl on AMF synthetic approaches on Tuesday nights, and they are extremely weather sensitive.  Whenever the weather changes, they get very tacky.  Usually you can rub a microfiber towel over a spot on the approach and feel the difference in where you just rubbed and where you didn't.  During practice, sliding is difficult, but once we get started, the approaches get better and better throughout the night.


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2009, 02:36:33 PM »
Are you sticking on the sole or the heal?


Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2009, 02:15:49 AM »
Meh, I can't stand synthetic approaches. Worse yet is when the area between the lanes is dead stop compared to the rest of the approach. That's always fun to experience the first time I shoot a cross-lane spare.
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Edited on 3/16/2009 2:16 AM


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2009, 03:40:05 AM »
Synthetics are very weather sensitive and have strict guidelines for how they are to be installed and the way the heat and air should be set-up to do this.
(my brother is an electrical engineer who does HVAC work and has done a few bowling alley designs.)

He has showed me the manuals that Brunswick and other companies have in regards to how this should be done and it's some serious stuff.

Now when places that aren't being built new get new lanes with these approaches they are probably not going to be anywhere close to where they need to be heating and air wise.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Edited on 3/16/2009 8:20 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2009, 03:50:55 AM »
Plus I can go one better. The house I bowl in use to put out large amounts of powder on the approaches weekly before we started league. It was impossible to bowl because they did a half-a$% job and it was dangerous.

Now every nite before bowling they use a buffer and furniture polish on the approaches. Everylane is inconsistent and it wares down as you bowl. So when the approaches seem to be normal again you move left for a spare and slide for days.

I hate when bowlers complain about approaches and never change their heel or sole. They buy 20 bowlingballs and never try different shoes or ones with the inter changable pieces.

Not saying this poster didn't, just saying in general.

I use Dexters with the #2 deerskin sole and the older dexter cleat turned around backwards.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Edited on 3/17/2009 2:01 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2009, 04:42:24 AM »
I have bowled on synthetic approaches that are great and had no problems then I have bowled on the same ones and either stuck the whole time or would slide to much. It is all on how they are taken care of as well as the weather.


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2009, 10:32:58 AM »
Smash49 didn't say it, but I will.  Since I started using the Bowlersslidesock the few times I've bowled on synthetic approaches they haven't bothered me a bit.  Before the sock I stuck so badly that my slide step ended in a hop.  And they are inexpensive to try.  --  JohnP


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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2009, 02:20:32 PM »
Slide socks are the only solution. Soles and heel changes can't beat the problems that brunswick approaches have if they haven't been broken in. usually takes about 5 years for them to smooth out with normal use.
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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2009, 06:36:43 PM »

We have been out of the office for a while and Sandra has been down with some really bad stuff(sinuses).  Finally closed on our house in Texas and now we are official Oklahomans....   SLSM has been a bit slow because of staff illnesses but should be back on track shortly. Oklahoma pollen is just wicked!

Bowlers Slide Sock is a completely different animal than any other slide sock!


Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
Striking Cat Bowling Pro Shop, Duncan Oklahoma!  IBPSIA Certified Technician
Top 100 Coaches by Bowler's Journal International 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012!  Outstanding Coach in the state of Texas by Bowler's Journal International 2006.
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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2009, 06:48:36 PM »
Synthetic approaches led me to rebuild my game around not sliding. I don't completely plant, but I'm not far from it. I slide about 6 inches. And I can bowl in tennis shoes if that's all I have.

I'll say this -- newer AMF and Brunswick approaches beat the **** out of those old Brunswick synthetic approaches that came out around the same time they were making those synthetic lanes that were almost yellow in color. Those things were grotesque.



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Re: Brunswick Synthetic approaches...
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2009, 07:53:23 AM »
The house here that has synthetic approaches has the same problem. In front of the gutter caps is stick city. No combination of my SST7's will slide there. I just move back on the approach when going cross lane. My brother uses an Ebonite slide sock.
whoever said size doesn't matter never had trouble with a thumbhole