Bowling Tourney was waiting for the shot to open up early in the second game made it the trough all of my brackets the first and I was getting lined up pretty well. I moved left out in front of the return on the right lane, was planning on going about 22 at the arrows out to around 10, went to slide and... NO SLIDE!!!!!!

I managed to get the ball out on the lane and not pull it the problem was it was very slow, with fair amount hand. Through the face for a split. Short end of the story is I ended changing balls, lines, and hand position to get past the problem and through the second game away and my brackets away. I was not impressed.
Does anyone have good Ideas or solutions when you see this problem? Ways to work around it? Is taking a towel up in front of the return and rubbing it down legal before play starts? Something anything cause I cringe everytime I see Synthetic approaches anywhere these days, this was just the latest issue I have had issues in multiple houses that have synthetic approaches.
''''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''''
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