I am confused and have been for the whole time I've been bowling. I keep buying balls,less lately,that don't perform as expected and are even much less than other balls I have. For example,I just purchased an Iq pearl and a freight train and on everything I have bowled on the iq has the better performance. The balls are drilled very similarly the iq is box and the ft is 1500 over 360 now,but wasn't much different before this surface change. The iq is stronger in board cover and downlane reaction and recovery. Is it my choice in balls that's killing my game. In trying to find balls for heavier oil,trying to find similar reacting balls for more demanding conditions I step out of my ability level with these balls that never seem to perform as advertised or expected.
In the last few years I have bought and liked;rising star,iq pearl,hellraiser revenge. Balls I have that haven't liked so well;hellraiser,(good on drier lanes),mission x,omg,mission,freight train,(also good on drier shots when iq is too much) nexxus at 500.
Those instances when I find a shot where the iq isn't enough or I am leaving ten pins with the revenge,nothing else I have is any better if not worse.