With all the arsenal related questions that come up on this board (God knows we've all seen our fair share...especially the old timers...me included!
)let's just look at your league play,...standard ole' league play.
Don't most of you take 2 balls and a spare ball (if you use one) to your leagues? Even though you may take 2 different balls to different leagues, but..don't you take 2 nonetheless?
With most of being primarily LEAGUE bowlers, although some will do a tourney now and then, but for the most part we're primarily league bowlers and wouldn't it make sense that the ball mfgs make balls strictly for league play, like a 1-2 punch. A league bowler doesn't need a flood ball and usually doesn't need a dry lanes ball,...the 2 in between usually fit the bill .(granted there'll be some who start on med-dry lanes and need a lighter oil combo, but, for the most part..) the medium to medium heavy ball and medium to medium light ball usually wins out.
Sooooo, with all that....
What company has the best 1-2 punch that covers...league and/or the most conditions? Looking for 2 balls only we will automatically assume a spare...so just list 2 balls....
JEFF"what, by the time I get back..they won't be dead anymore ?.