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Author Topic: High avg. in one center across all nights?  (Read 964 times)

Pat Patterson

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High avg. in one center across all nights?
« on: February 04, 2005, 03:27:30 PM »
If an individual currently has the high average in the center he bowls in across all nights(currently 225 thru half a season, 60 games) and there is only him and one other individual averaging at least 220+, would that center be considered easy or not? There are only a hand few that average 210+ and a few that average 200-209.
Oh yeah, I'm that individual averaging 225, the other 220+ avg person bowls 2 nights a week at this center and at least 2 other leagues elsewhere.   I myself only bowl once(wednesday nights) and occasionally sub on friday nights(so far 12 games, 223 average on that league)and practice a few games weekly.
Once again, would this be considered an easy house?

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson



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Re: High avg. in one center across all nights?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2005, 11:48:13 PM »
Hard house!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Pat Patterson

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Re: High avg. in one center across all nights?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2005, 12:30:45 AM »
Our pattern is 38 feet of oil buffed to 45 feet, newer house synthetic, with OB outside the 5(IMHO). I make at least 90% of my spares, on an average night I may miss 1-2 spares because of the rare wash out(1-2-10 or 1-2-4-10) or 10 pin, this house is considered a "10 pin" house.  I normally have a couple of boards to play with, nothing major.  Most bowlers in this house try to shoot outside the 5 board, I assume that they think the bigger the hook the better-but for this house in my experience, 10 board works just fine. They ignore that I bowl inside around 10-board maybe swinging in out as far as the five but that's it.  Most people say will say "He doesn't even hook the ball".  I say to them "just keep shooting outside and average 170-190 and I'll shoot the 10 and average what I average.
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: High avg. in one center across all nights?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2005, 01:32:56 AM »
if high average in the house is 225, i wouldn't call it easy per say, maybe easier than other houses. Our house is new synthetics this season. I have high average in the house with 246.55, and 2nd high with 246.42. There are other people at 239 and 238. It's easy this year for a few different reason. New lane surface, new lane machine, ball technology, etc etc etc. Still a fine job having high in every league you bowl in.

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