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Author Topic: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling  (Read 6162 times)


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Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« on: January 16, 2008, 06:52:08 AM »
I bought a Levrg and a N-Sane from Buddies Pro shop and I received the balls in CA exactly on time with the specs I wanted.  I brought it to my pro shop operator who hasn't kept up with Morich or the Dual Angle drilling.  So he drilled them both the same, pin under the ring finger and the MB near the VAL.

The bowling balls didn't do much, very controlled, no punch in the back end.  I was very disappointed.  The bowling balls fit great. But the pro shop operator is old school and believed that drilling for almost all bowling balls are general as a rule.

So I contacted Chris at Buddies Pro Shop and he said send them back and he would plug re-drill them. They emailed me a UPS shipping document and I just packaged up the four bowling balls and shipped them to Buddies.  I wanted the Morich bowling balls in time for the Military Bowling Championships starting Monday, so Buddies made a thumb mold of one of the balls, plugged all four bowling balls, drilled them with the thumb insert made from the Exactacator thumb mold, installed the Vacu-grips, three day shipped the two Morich balls so that I could get a feel for them and regular shipped the other two bowling balls not going with me to Vegas.

I received the bowling balls Tuesday and threw them this morning.  The fit was perfect.  No need for tape or Easy Slide.  I realize as weather changes I might need tape, but through six games of practice, the two bowling balls fit perfect. Absolutely no adjustments necessary.  I was shocked how perfectly Buddies fit the bowling balls.  The reaction was tremendously better also, a lot more of what I expected the MoRich bowling balls to do.

Before Buddies drilled the bowling balls they asked me to video tape my son and I bowling (one N-Sane that Buddies re-drilled was my son's) and email them the video.  They used the video to help with the drilling since his shop is about 3000 miles from where I live.

The pro shop operators at Buddies keep up with the new bowling balls, tests a lot of them and also keep up with the different bowling drill sheets as I am sure many pro shops do.

The pro shop that drills my bowling balls locally is the only pro shop that uses the Exactacator thumb slugs so sending the bowling balls back to Buddies was a great option and it worked out extremely well.  So Internet ball drilling can be very successful.

Thanks for reading.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 1/16/2008 3:52 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 02:54:38 PM »
Sounds like a great experience.

Excelent Job Buddies!

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 04:01:11 PM »
I bought a Levrg and a N-Sane from Buddies Pro shop and I received the balls in CA exactly on time with the specs I wanted.  I brought it to my pro shop operator who hasn't kept up with Morich or the Dual Angle drilling.  So he drilled them both the same, pin under the ring finger and the MB near the VAL.

The bowling balls didn't do much, very controlled, no punch in the back end.  I was very disappointed.  

Nic,  I am confused here. Exactly what did you tell your pro shop operator you were looking for?  Did he ask you what reaction you wanted?

Mb on the VAL???

Now Nic,  You sound like a person who knows a little about bowling. Your buying high tech balls.  I am sure you saw and read the drill sheets!!!!  I am curious as to why you just stood there, while this pro shop laid out the balls so tame,  without saying or questioning him about the layout.

Anyone who can read the drill sheets, can plainly see different layouts to be used for certain reactions.  Yet,  you allowed this pro shop to drill your balls so tame???  Even if you did not read the drill sheets???  If you wanted
a more aggressive layout,  did you bring this up to the driller?
What you have implied here is that,  your driller is old school.  And you kinda
sorta are almost saying all drillers may be old school.  Not true!!!

We would have asked you, What reaction you wanted.  And then showed you the best layout for "said reaction".  And that is what "I" believe most real pro shops would have done.

Your post, to me,  is a little strange, and confusing as to what you wanted.

Did the ball,  clear the heads, turn the corner,  hit like a truck, and kick out the 10 pin???

Now to me, I am sorry to say.  This just sounds like a commercial!!!!

MB on the VAL???  Sounds like you must know a little something about layouts.
If so,  Then why did you not have a stronger layout???
And, i don't believe you ever said,  what layout you got from Buddies???

BTW again,  This pro shop you went too. Was it a real pro shop, or a converted
broom closet located in a bowling alley?

Highend balls,  Mb on val,  you use thumb molds,  You sound like a serious bowler!!!!   And then you stand by and watch as your balls get drilled so tame???????????????

Very strange sir.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 1/16/2008 5:31 PM


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 04:43:14 PM »
I completely agree with you, but since there are only a handful of online prohops, the odds are that you will still be hurting your local shops. Sure in a way you are still benefiting our sport, but Im talking about the business aspect of the proshop who is just selling and drilling. I get too many customers who come in, talk to me about 5 different balls and reactions for 45 minutes, then leave the shop to purchase a ball online.
"I Like Tahh"

Sir,  may I ask,  when was the last time you just drilled someone's ball with such a tame backend drilling, without them asking for that type of drilling?

I am sure your answer will be>>> Never!!!!!

This whole thread, to me, sounds like a commercial!!!!!

BTW,  did you like the part where the ball cleared the heads, turned the corner, hit like a truck, and kicked out the 10 pin?

And i am sure, that was on 67 feet of oil!!!!!!!


jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 04:49:07 PM »
You wont understand where I am coming from if you do not work in a proshop.

"I Like Tahh"

Illusion,   I bought a ball online,  it was horrible, pin was zero,  top weight was 1 1/4.  

How's that for some B.S.

This whole thread sounds a little strange to me.  And i am sure it sounds a little strange to you also, Illusion.

Mb on VAL????  now if someone knows about a Mb on a VAL.  Then he probably knows a little about layouts.  So why in the world does he stand by and have
his expensive MoRich balls drilled the way they were???

Very strange
jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2008, 05:19:35 PM »
The Illusion,

Two things:

1) This local shop I go to is the only shop I know in a reasonable proximity that makes Exactacator thumb slugs.  I've talked with others like Alvin Lou and he stated that he tried to make the Exactacator thumb slugs but the material had a shelf life and was very expensive and he didn't make enough slugs to use the slug material before it expired.

2)  I think in my initial post I was thanking Buddies Pro Shop.  So I did go to a pro shop, just not one close to me.  Buddies Pro Shop is a full blown pro shop, so I really don't understand your point.

3)  I know I said two but here's one more.  I wanted a Hornet from my pro shop.  $229 + inserts and thumb plug plus the thumb plug and taxes.  WTF.  I seen it on Cal bowling supplies where he orders his bowling equipment and it was $128.  I may never buy from a pro shop again.  This is a pro shop that I have been using for years.  When they drill the ball it fits almost perfectly but honestly not as well as the bowling balls Buddies drilled for me.

To those who question about the drilling.  I am a dummy.  Buddies sent me the drilling recommendations to drill the two bowling balls and I gave them to the ball driller because he was not familiar with the Dual Angle drilling.  He said no problem. So I left and came back later. I know a little about drilling and drill sheets and I know at least where the pin should have wound up, above the finger line.  So I go to pick the balls up and they fit great.  But I see the pin under the ring finger and the MB close to the VAL and I just shook my head because I know the pin should have been higher and the CG should have been higher for the pin ball I had and I knew the the MB being very close to the VAL would even tame the ball more.  Why would I buy a couple of bowling balls that would be very close in reaction because the dynamics were drilled out of the ball?

So I emailed Buddies and asked them to pull out a ball with close to the same specs and let me know where the pin and MB should be for my PAP.  After they emailed me the response I told them how it was drilled and they said that the pro shop operator was not familiar with MoRich bowling balls and the Dual Angle drill.

Thats how we got started.  Chris then told me to ship the bowling balls back to him and he would drill the bowling balls like he thought they should be drilled but only after I sent him a video of my son and I bowling.  Chris has attended MoRich seminars and has a lot of experience drilling MoRich bowling balls.

The drill sheet is a guide.  Some ball drillers use the drill sheet exclusively because that is there protection.  Those who have drilled many of the same ball knows how to massage the drill sheets to the individual bowler so it fits his game best.

I did not mention the outcome of the change in drill because I didn't want to write a review on the ball.  From the first driller, the balls would already be on the shelf.  I read EZ rev and dynamic back end and crushing the pocket.  I didn't see it.  I thought it was all hype.  Since the ball has been re-drilled the N-Sane gets through the heads great and explodes the pocket.  Light hits and 10 pin carry is tremendous.  The LevRG in box condition was way too strong to use on the same line I was playing with the N-Sane.  I moved in deeper to stay in the oil a little longer and the ball read the mid lane great and had a strong controllable arc to the pocket.  That was only a six game set where I was also working with an Angular One and an Attitude Shift.

Hopefully I answers some questions.  I do appreciate all the feedback.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2008, 05:41:37 PM »
A couple of things I didn't add that maybe I should have.  I use to be a competitive bowler several years back.  I was building a motorcycle for the Easyrider Show n San Diego and jumped on my Wife's Screaming Eagle Deuce to go the shop and pick up some parts.  I was in the exit lane and a woman driving a truck was in the slow lane of the freeway and decided to get off the freeway without ever seeing me pulled off the freeway across the solid white line and took me out.  I lost a lot of skin on my right sid of my body, hand, forearm etc and I burst my bursa sac.  I spent some time talking about that with Sawbones.  I finished the bike, took third place in the Easyrider show and I never got truly back to form with regards to bowling.  Just for info and maybe bragging a touch, i 2007 I took 2nd place at the easyrider Show in Pomona, I took Best of the Best at the Easyrider show in San Diego and Easyrider paid my way to the Easyrider Invitational Show in Kansas City MO May 5th where I took second place for the International invitees.

Now I'm looking back to bowling and I am way behind the power curve and I know it.  The drill sheets like MoRich and bowling balls like the Beat'n/ No Mercy makes drilling bowling balls for the average joe so much harder.  You hope to have confidence in th ball driller.  You can only hope the ball driller is staying informed and I know that my ball driller is not staying informed about the bowling ball influx.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2008, 06:13:31 PM »
About eight years ago I drove my brother to a tournament in CT. While I was watching him bowl I decided to check out the pro shop.  I started talking to the guys there, they were informative, helpful, and friendly. I bought a cuda/c 2000 that day. Over the course of the next few years I would take the 2 - 2/12 hour ride to this shop, sometime by myself sometimes with friends that had heard me bragging about them. If I told them I was having a problem they would offer to watch me bowl and give suggestions. Because of the distance it started to get old driving that far to get a ball drilled, so I would go on there web site order a ball and call and let them know what I wanted. The shop was of course Buddies. I understand that people don't like online sellers, but it kills me when people bag on guys who are just trying to make a living. Yes they are using the internet but they use it so that there customers can get what they need easier, and more conviently. This is a shop that sponsors Junior bowling tournaments and several amateur bowlers in the New England area. Don't lump people trying to make bowling better with companys just trying to make a buck. Sorry to hijack the thread

Edited on 1/16/2008 7:15 PM


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2008, 07:57:11 AM »
This is the problem that many of us are having with proshops. They are selling highend equipment but have no clue of how to drill it. When this happens, people start looking at online places to buy equipment and even have it drilled. There are some shops that go the extra mile and learn how to drill this equipment. Others are old school and are clueless.

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2008, 08:59:02 AM »
This is the problem that many of us are having with proshops. They are selling highend equipment but have no clue of how to drill it. When this happens, people start looking at online places to buy equipment and even have it drilled. There are some shops that go the extra mile and learn how to drill this equipment. Others are old school and are clueless.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

DJ,  There are two types of pro shops today.  Full time,  and part time.
What you and Nicanor have said,  may be true.  especially if you deal with the part time pro shop.  which is usually run by the local Mr 220.  And is open from 5-8!!!! And closed on nites he has to bowl!!!!!

But REAL FULL TIME pro shops,  do know how to drill.  So far this month, we have attended 3 seminars on new ball models.
Yesterday, while it was slow,  i played the Ebonite dvd, over and over.  Just to see if we could pick up any new info.

Some of the stories posted here, are a major insult to real full time pro shops.  We don't operate like that!!!!!!

Now Nicanor has a small forture invested in these balls.  The cost of them new, the drilling with inserts,  the plugging with inserts, the shipping back and forth to Buddies via the little brown truck.  At about $40-$45 each way, based on 4 balls shipped.  That is highly unusual!!!!

Most customer's would have flipped out, at their local pro shop, if they had to put up with these expenses.

So when you or anyone comes on and post,  that you can get your balls drilled properly at the local pro shop.  You are sending a false message.

Now Iowa probably has a pro shop on every corner.  So i really find it hard to believe that CA.  has so few pro shops!!!!!!  

Quality pro shops are out there.  If you don't know how to find them,  maybe you need to educate yourself better!!!!  Go to the web site of a Storm, Ebonite, Morich etc etc,  and they will have a list of quality pro shops!!!!

But when you post that people can not find pro shops that know how to drill,  That is a false statement.

If you want to buy online,  go right ahead.  But don't post false statement's, that pro shops do not know how to drill.  

have a nice day

jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 1/17/2008 10:00 AM


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2008, 09:11:55 AM »
Great reading!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2008, 09:45:13 AM »
Bowling centers in San Diego

There are five local public bowling centers in San Diego within the 30 mile radius.  There are four military bowling centers in San Diego area.  You think because we are san Diego and have a ton of bowling centers.  Wrong.  The pro shop operator who drills my bowling balls locally is a 76 year old guy who has been my teammate for State and Nationals for years as well as on the same team for league.  He drills bowling balls to fit extremely well.  but go in and ask him about a new ball on the market and he goes through the roof.  All bowlng balls ae the same.  I'm not keeping up with bowling balls.  They come out to fast to keep up with, let alone try to keep up with the different drillings and dynamics of a ball.  They don't stock bowling balls so I have to wait for a ball to be trucked down to the shop anyway.

I can call Buddies have them drill and ship me a ball drilled to perfection in about the same time it takes the pro shop to order and receive the ball and I save about $70 + on every ball.

My intent wasn't to insult other pro shops country or world wide, but to say thanks to Buddies publicly and let others know of my great experience.  If you operate/own a pro shop and you can give all the services that I receive from Buddies, good on you.  A lot of pro shops don't want to do exactcator thumb slugs and I don't blame them.  But they won't get my business.  Who said pro shops in general don't know how to drill.  Some responders seem to take this personal.  I just staeted that my local pro shop does not keep up with the bowling industry limiting his knowledge about some of the bowling balls on the market.  It was aimed at all pro shops country wide.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2008, 09:54:24 AM »
Well you should do your best to find a local proshop that will suit your needs.  Internet buying and drilling is killing our business, even though it may be successful and economical for you, it makes us suffer, raise drilling prices and in turn it makes us look even worse for charging more.

I understand that this post was to thank Buddies so sorry for getting off topic.
"I Like Tahh"

I use my local pro shop whenever possible.  I'm about to have one of the local proshop redrill my Blue Hammer to my updated specs, and we'll work with pitches and my span, and see if we can tweak it a bit.  

The cost difference is minimal, and in that case, I'd rather talk to the driller, and have him do the work.  I'll buy computer parts from the internet

My 2007-2008 arsenal is here.

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2008, 10:11:17 AM »
Nicanor,  I have no problem with you or anyone trying to save money. If you feel you can save money ordering online, go for it.  Now i do not know much about southern CA.  So excuse me if i find it hard to believe, that a state as large as Ca. does not have many pro shops.

Now i will agree with you and DJ that there are shops that have not kept up on drillings.  Yet there are many shops, that have.  There out there, and easy to find.  

As i posted,  so far this month. we attened 3 seminars.  And it's only the 17th of the month.

Now I posted, Nicanor,  you seem to know about bowling balls and layouts.
Mb on Val,  Dual drillings, etc etc.  So what i find hard to believe is this. Why are you having such a hard time finding quality pro shops.  There out there.

Now I did a little adding in my head.  If you bought 4 Morich balls,  at lets say, $147 ea.  and paid lets say $40 for drilling,  plus more for inserts.  You may be around $200 total cost per ball.  Then to ship them to Buddies at maybe $40-$45 for 65 lbs. Both ways. And then pay for the plugging of 4 balls, plus inserts.  You could be up to about $260-$280 per ball.

Now what i find really hard to understand is this.  That is a lot of expense to have to pay to get your balls drilled.  Most customer's would flip out,  if that happened to them.  You sir are the proud owner of what, 4 brand new Morich
plug balls????

Now most of us in the real pro shop business,  know,  that,  this is highly unusal. If any of us, screwed up that bad on someones new ball.  We would be replacing it.  You sir are a dream customer. You took the hit.  Most would not.

Once again,  there is nothing wrong with saving money.   But when people post that pro shops don't know how to drill.  Why that is just plain not true, and insulting.  Maybe if you or Dj were more informed consumers.  You would be able to find Quality places to shop.

In a state with what 40 million people,  you can not find a decent ball driller???  That sir, is a little hard to believe.

BTW,  Glad to hear that the balls are now working for you.
have a nice day.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 1/17/2008 11:13 AM


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2008, 10:36:49 AM »
     FWIW, in San Francisco, a city of about 750,000 people (living within the city limits) there are a total of 24 bowling lanes. Not houses, actual lanes. With the cost of real estate it is more profitable to sell then maintain a center. San Diego might be the same way. So it is indeed a reality that you someone could not find a ball driller close to them in CA. Having lived in the Bay Area, I have seen this firsthand.

 "Hell of a situation we got here. Two on, two out, your team down a run and you've got the chance to be the hero on national television... if you don't blow it. Saw your wife last night. Great little dancer. That guy she was with? I'm sure he's a close personal friend, but tell me, what was he doing with her panties on his head?
Uh-oh, Rexie, I don't think this one's got the distance."
