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Author Topic: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling  (Read 6163 times)


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Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« on: January 16, 2008, 06:52:08 AM »
I bought a Levrg and a N-Sane from Buddies Pro shop and I received the balls in CA exactly on time with the specs I wanted.  I brought it to my pro shop operator who hasn't kept up with Morich or the Dual Angle drilling.  So he drilled them both the same, pin under the ring finger and the MB near the VAL.

The bowling balls didn't do much, very controlled, no punch in the back end.  I was very disappointed.  The bowling balls fit great. But the pro shop operator is old school and believed that drilling for almost all bowling balls are general as a rule.

So I contacted Chris at Buddies Pro Shop and he said send them back and he would plug re-drill them. They emailed me a UPS shipping document and I just packaged up the four bowling balls and shipped them to Buddies.  I wanted the Morich bowling balls in time for the Military Bowling Championships starting Monday, so Buddies made a thumb mold of one of the balls, plugged all four bowling balls, drilled them with the thumb insert made from the Exactacator thumb mold, installed the Vacu-grips, three day shipped the two Morich balls so that I could get a feel for them and regular shipped the other two bowling balls not going with me to Vegas.

I received the bowling balls Tuesday and threw them this morning.  The fit was perfect.  No need for tape or Easy Slide.  I realize as weather changes I might need tape, but through six games of practice, the two bowling balls fit perfect. Absolutely no adjustments necessary.  I was shocked how perfectly Buddies fit the bowling balls.  The reaction was tremendously better also, a lot more of what I expected the MoRich bowling balls to do.

Before Buddies drilled the bowling balls they asked me to video tape my son and I bowling (one N-Sane that Buddies re-drilled was my son's) and email them the video.  They used the video to help with the drilling since his shop is about 3000 miles from where I live.

The pro shop operators at Buddies keep up with the new bowling balls, tests a lot of them and also keep up with the different bowling drill sheets as I am sure many pro shops do.

The pro shop that drills my bowling balls locally is the only pro shop that uses the Exactacator thumb slugs so sending the bowling balls back to Buddies was a great option and it worked out extremely well.  So Internet ball drilling can be very successful.

Thanks for reading.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 1/16/2008 3:52 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2008, 10:37:38 AM »
jls31316 your thread is rather upsetting as well.  While I do agree that many part timers don't know squat.  There are many of us "part timers" who do go the extra mile to educate ourselves and provide customers with the best equipment possible.  In my area there are two full time operators and my "part time" operation.  Not tooting my own horn, but the full timers have no certification and wouldn't know a PAP if it hit them in the face.  Please don't make the assumption that all of us Johnny 220 league bowler operators are all idiots, because that is simply not true.


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2008, 11:05:24 AM »
I can understand your point's luckily i have K & K Bowling Services as my shop here in Vegas, so i get great service and buying power all in one.

I would use Buddies myself if they did not exist, almost every other shop in Vegas is Casino owned and suck it up big with bad service and price gouging as you found out from the South Point deal.


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2008, 11:34:11 AM »
jls31316 your thread is rather upsetting as well.  While I do agree that many part timers don't know squat.  There are many of us "part timers" who do go the extra mile to educate ourselves and provide customers with the best equipment possible.  In my area there are two full time operators and my "part time" operation.  Not tooting my own horn, but the full timers have no certification and wouldn't know a PAP if it hit them in the face.  Please don't make the assumption that all of us Johnny 220 league bowler operators are all idiots, because that is simply not true.

Excellent point mw11
You are so right sir.  And I am glad to see you came on and posted how you feel.  There are pro shops that know what they are doing, and yes, there are some that don't.  Just because one is full time or part time, does not make them good or bad.

You are a fine example of a part time pro shop that knows what he is doing.
And just like some of us full time pro shops that know what we are doing,  you took offense to what was said.  

The point is,  when people post that pro shops know nothing.  They are indeed posting false statements.  I am glad you came on and pointed that out.  That is the same thing i was trying to do.  Point out that,  Yes there are pro shops out there, that try and know what they are doing.
Very sorry you, as a part time pro shop got offended.  But us full time shops, also get offended.

Also,  I do not know what goes on in Ca., nor do I really care.  But it is hard to believe that a state that large, has so few bowling centers and pro shops.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 1/17/2008 12:37 PM


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2008, 01:21:23 PM »

As I mentioned here in San Diego area about 30 miles or greater there are four military bowling centers and only one has a part time Federal employee who sits there and lets part timers go in there and do the work unpaid. Takes more then a week to get a new in stock bowling ball drilled and not because they're busy.  All the other military bowling centers do not have pro shops.bowling centers.

Three of the local bowling centers have the same company who owns/operates the pro shops that usually has very young part time employes.  And yes they can drill a ball very well I'm sure.  But their prices are outrageous.  One of the other bowling centers just had a pro shop opened and is only open part time and not reguarly and about 30 miles away.

You say that it cost me about $250 dollars out the door for my MoRich balls.  Thats probably what I would have paind out the door at a pro shop with drilling, taxes and inserts.

But,  Chris at Buddies sent me a UPS shipping doc to ship all four balls back to CT.  Buddie pro shop took mine and my son's span and picthes, made a thumb mould, plugged and re-drilled the balls including vacu-Grips and Exacatcator thumb slug at no cost to me except for the shiipng there which was $50 and the three day return which was $80.  So I shelled out an additional $130 for four balls and it was a very successful experiment.  So it was about $146 dollars for the MoRich balls, initial $30 dollars to drill including inserts and Exactacator thumb slug for a total of $176 and about another $35 per ball to ship it back and forth from CA to CT.  Still only $200 (approximately)

And now I have a pro shop who spends time on this website, has their own (like many other pro shops I'm sure) has a perfect fitting Exactacator thumb mould for me and my span measurements, goes to seminars, test a lot of bowling balls post videos of them throwing the bowling balls on a website, goes to seminars and reads a lot of litature about the bowling business (like I'm sure many pro shops do) and can be considerable cheaper then any pro shop in driving distance.

So I retired from the Navy after 31 years and opened a handyman business.  Should the pro shop owner operators use me instaed of other handyman and whats worse, day workers picked up from Home Depot?  Do you buy a car from the salesman that gets his or her ball drilled at your shop or do you shop around for a good price and research who has the best service department?

No one had mouthed pro shop operators full or part time.  I think you bought that into the discussion for what ever reason.  There are great ball drillers both part and full time, but I don't think anyof them can be better then Buddies Pro shop.  I will say that they can be as good, just not better and Buddies is easier on the pocket.

JLS keep it real and there is no need for the hard line talk.  No one in the beginning talked about pro shop in general as not knowing what they were doing.  I'm sure your pro shop is doing great and you have no need to worry about internet buying or drilling.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 1/17/2008 2:34 PM

Edited on 1/17/2008 2:48 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2008, 02:34:06 PM »
This is the problem that many of us are having with proshops. They are selling highend equipment but have no clue of how to drill it. When this happens, people start looking at online places to buy equipment and even have it drilled. There are some shops that go the extra mile and learn how to drill this equipment. Others are old school and are clueless.


Nicanor,  you must have missed this post.  Now this is a very broad statement to make.   "many of us are having"  "no clue"  
sure sounded like he was lumping many shops together.

Now  I am glad Buddies did a first class job for you.
And once again,  I am surprised that your state has so few pro shops!!!!

Have a nice day
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 1/17/2008 3:43 PM


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2008, 03:15:29 PM »
Thanks JLS,  I thought you were saying I said pro shops were clueless.

The price of land in Southern CA as well as other parts of the state are off the chart.  Bowling centers closed not necessarily due to poor patronage, but because of what the owner could get to sell the property.  One house closed to make room for condos. Another closed to make room for a gigantic fitness center. One closed to make room for an adult nude club and food establishment.  Others might have closed to poor patronage, but it didn't hurt the owners because they sold the lane for pretty good money.  There was no need for them to try and make the bowling center work if they could make millions on the land.

I bought a plastic ball into Alvin Lou's because mine had cracked a couple of days before heading up to the US Open.  $65 out the door for drilling and inserts only.  Haven't been back since.  The person wh normally drills my bowling balls is $30 out the door with thumb slug and inserts.  I just wish when things were slow at the shop that he would do his homework about bowling balls, drillings etc rather then just sitting around watching TV.  Again, I've known and bowled with the shop operator for years, so I actually know this is what he does.  I realize that most pro shops don't operate like this, but the ball fit is usually right on.

I bowled with a lefty today and we were discussing the drilling question while bowling. he uses the same driller as I do.  Because of the ame problem that I have, driller not knowing today's equipment, he started to drive about 35 miles one way to get his bowling balls drilled.  Doesn't work for me because they don't do Exactacator thumb slugs.

So I understand that the internet could negatively effect professional pro shops especially where there is a lot of local competition, but it would be nice for those who aren't so fortunate to know that there is a reasonable pro shop out there that can sell, drill and ship you a ball that you're confident you will be happy with and not forced to patronize some pro shops because there are so few to work with.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2008, 04:15:10 PM »
Nicanor .. I'm glad you were SMART ENOUGH to search further to not only be satisfied but also save money. There are so many people on here that will call you CHEAP SKATE/ UN-INTERESTED in the future of bowling because you took that action.

You point out that your area is short on Pro Shops and also explain how the land prices are one of the reasons for disappearing shops .. all understood! Wonder if that pricing is EVER going to turn around!

I have never used BUDDIES but you can bet if I were in your shoes I'd be doing exactly the same thing! My purpose for switching to on-line shops came about when I moved from NY to NC and the local shops were charging prices that I considered TOO HIGH! Since my move I've probable bought 60 ball that the local shop(s) would have profit from if they weren't so GREEDY .. and that was said of LOCAL shops not ALL!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2008, 06:30:16 PM »
hanks for the pst Joe.  Prices in San Diego are coming down. I think the mean (average price) for a house is about $480,000 down from about $600,000.

Some bowlers can get away with a bad feeling thumb (initial feeling) because they use tape to get the feel they want.  Unfortunately I have a monster thumb and I don't feel comfortable if I have to add more then one piece of tape for and aft.  Thumb fit is critical to me. Its extremely inflexable.  So Exactacator thumb slugs work best for me.

Its amazing how prices change from areas wher there is a ton of competition and very little like in your area.  I bowled once in St Louis and the pro shop was asking $10 to clean/sand a ball and twelve dollars to polish a ball.  Most places its between 2 and 5.

I wouldn't mind if it was close in price say 20 or 30 dollars, but thats not the case.  All they do is go on the internet or make a phone call and have the ball shipped to them.  I was just in Alvin Lou's pro shop today and he has about 30 balls on the shelf but its mostly if not all old stock.  Go to other local shops and they become salesman when they don't have the ball you want in stock.)JLS, no, Irealize not all bowling pro shops are like this, move away from the keyboard).  But its like that here in San Diego.  We have a pro shop here called San Diego Bowling Supply and the owner operator is exceptional.  Hee is in a strip mall and not in a bowling alley and has been there for years.  Several years ago I went there and his rent was $4000 a month back then.  A small little place.  great guy.  Doesn't do Exactacator thumb slugs though.  says he can match thumbs no problem.  Back then I ws in bowling ball of the week club mostly with Lane 1 and Brunswick and the feel was never close.  My fault, can stand tape.  But still a great guy and an exceptional pro shop owner and operator and keeps up with the bowling industry.  Very pricy though.  I know he's got to pay the rent, but..

Thanks for all the responses but all I can say today after I recieved the last on my bowling balls and my sonreceieved his N-Sane today (and it fit and reacted perfectly) is that Buddies Pro Shop rocks.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2008, 09:10:18 PM »
are all Pro Shop operators on this site whiny little girls?

please, grow up. we're sitting here in 2008. you obviously have the knowledge to operate a computer, so set up a website, sell online as well as in your shop and make some money. otherwise, sit back and watch the internet run you out of business.

Hey Mr "Use Spell check"

Why don't you try and use "CAPS"

And I love this line you wrote in another thread.

"i'm about sick of coming on here"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What does that mean?

"I'm about sick of coming on here"

And you got the nerve to come on this site and tell people to use "Spell Check"

You need "grammar check"

Now back in your hole!!!!!


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop: Internet drilling
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2008, 09:14:45 PM »
I dont find my post whiney, I just made a simple suggestion.  If there are no decent local proshops, cool go online, but its the people that have a good amount of resources available to them, who buy online.

But TCP thanks for your input, personally I hope that I never come in contact with you or your horrible bowling.

The Crownprince is a 21 year old "hot dog"  with a big mouth.  he loves to tell people to use "spell check"

Yet his grammar "sucks"

He seldom adds anything to a thread.  He justs loves to come on and act like a "geek know it all"

A first class loser.

And in just 6 more years,  He will probably graduate from day care.