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Author Topic: Buddies ProShop Demo Day  (Read 1475 times)


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Buddies ProShop Demo Day
« on: August 23, 2008, 05:42:08 PM »
All i gotta say is WOW.  First off i went to their first Demo Day earlier this year in April and i had a blast but it didnt compare in the slightest to the one i just got back from tonight.  The List of balls they had and that i threw was unreal.  

Heres the list of what they had :

Ebonite : NVD,Playmaker,The One(remake),Complete NV
Columbia 300: Noize, Momentum Swing, Momentum, Wrath DeadFlush, Arch Rival
Track : Kinetic Pearl, Kinetic Energy, UpRising, Tantrum
Hammer : Emerald Vibe, Black Widow Venom, RawHammer Psycho, Black Widow Bite

I threw most of the list i just presented and was very impressed with the balls i did throw. Heres a short review on all the balls i threw and a simple over all opinion of the ball.

NVD - Super strong, early read, continuous rolling backend. UNREAL.

Playmaker - Great midlane, strong smooth rolling move off the break.
The One - Strong controllable continuous backend.

Noize - decent midlane read,semi strong rolling move to the pocket. Didnt like

Kinetic Pearl - Great midlane, Unreal hold before the ball gets to the breakpoint, Strong but controllable Flip at the break, Hit like a truck. Great Midpriced ball.

Tantrum - Very strong flippy at the break point, good midlane. Super Strong Shiny SOLID.

UpRising - Incredible hold, great midlane, Hard arcing backend thats controllable.

Emerald Vibe - Superior midlane, Nice little snap on the backend, for a low end mid price ball.

Black Widow Venom - First 8 shots with this ball all Flush Strikes, Ball has excellent recovery, Very strong angular move off the dry. Unbelieveable.

Psycho - Good midlane, great length, hard arching controllable backend flipish arc. Impressed much.

Finally the staff review of the workers of the Demo Day.

The operators of the Demo Day were great again.  This one seemed to be alot better of a showcase of the products that the Ebonite family produces. Doug Kent and Dino Castillo were also a highlight of the showcase by helping out those who asked for and wanted advice on any thing and every thing bowling.

The Buddies Proshop staff were the best part of the Demo Day because since my friend and i both got balls drilled from them they seem like an awesome bunch.  They were so knowledgeable about any questions you had for them.  

Over all this day was a day i will never forget.
- Joe

Smashin pockets since ''99.
Home of the Secret Sauce!

Edited on 8/24/2008 1:43 AM

Edited on 8/24/2008 1:44 AM
Joe R.
Beans Pro Shop
I am MOTIVated.



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Re: Buddies ProShop Demo Day
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 08:42:20 AM »
I have to agree.  I bowled in the 1pm squad and my wife participated in the 2pm CATS session.  I was quite impressed with the level of coaching and advice that my wife received from her video session and analysis.  He gave her 3 things to work on [just enough, not too many things at once--excellent coaching] and really accentuated the positive.  Her goal this year is to beat out the other 2 guys on our mixed league team in year-end average, and I feel that she may be on her way.

I have to also agree with Joe about the Buddies staff.  I bowled with Chris in Northern New Jersey for years and it was great to see him again, as well as his wonderful wife.  The check-in staff was first class and the facilities were clean, bright, modern and well-kept.

The ball company representatives were very professional and very helpful, offering useful pointers and suggestions for equipment and matchups.  They took the time to listen to the bowler, evaluate his/her style and offer suggestions about what piece probably would be the best matchup for the shot(s) you'd be encountering.

And as insanely busy as the Buddies staff was, Chris still took the time out to measure some of the bowlers, so they could be on file in his shop.  My existing stuff didn't feel right and Chris checked the spec sheet that I faxed him from another driller.  He said that I needed a little adjusting and totally changed my grip and pitches.  I can't wait to get the NVD and Playmaker that I ordered yesterday.

Oh, and by the way, the prices at Buddies' demo day were absolutely ridiculous.  I won't divulge the prices, as it is not my place to do that, but all I'll say is that I ordered 2 balls for myself and 1 for my wife and didn't walk out of there busted by any stretch.

So, it was just a very enjoyable day and Buddies and Staff are to be commended for running a memorable Demo Day.  It was a wonderful opportunity and I'm glad my wife and I were able to attend.

If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters.  --DM


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Re: Buddies ProShop Demo Day
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 10:58:18 AM »
This Demo Day was awesome. Like Joe mentioned, he and I went to the one this past April, which was very packed, and not as enjoyable as this one, since it was too crowded. Buddies had great prices there, many things to choose from, and just an overall great staff. I'll give the lowdown on everything:

Staff: The Brand Managers I met were a class act. They were some of the nicest people you can imagine. I personally spoke a lot with Jeff Ussery, and with Jeff, you can't get much better than him. The Buddies Pro Shop staff were also some of the best people you can meet. They would either start a fun conversation with you, or get in depth over a certain ball with you. Great service they provide!

Equipment: Now, ball-wise, I didn't really throw much. I wasn't interested in anything from Columbia, so I didn't even touch any of their equipment. My body was pretty beat up from the 22nd, so I wasn't exactly 100% and didn't want to waste my energy on something I wasn't interested in. Anyways, I started off throwing the Ebonite PlayMaker. That ball had a lot of length, and once it read the dry, it just stood up. It didn't exactly move like a normal pearl, which was interesting. I then switched to the Ebonite One re-make, which was surfaced at 4000 abralon (OOB), and that ball I got to the pocket with very consistantly, but left a lot of 10's. Oh well. Good reaction at least. Then, I went on to throw a Hammer Pyscho. The Pyscho was close to the PlayMaker. Easy length for a pearl, then just kind of stood up and made a gradually hard move to the pocket, with great carry. Moving along to the Hammer Black Widow Venom now. I don't know what people are saying about the Venom not hooking, because for me, the Venom was SUPER strong. It was very oil allergic, but once you play it out into the dry, it always bounced back. I was throwing over 5th arrow out between 5-10 with great success and huge backend flip. The Track Tantrum I threw was just so strong. I could barely get it down the lane at all, then it just flew on the backend. It reacted quite like a pearl, but it's solid, I guess.

Overall: I'm happy. This was a great experience, and I would never want to pass up this chance. I loved it, and ended up even happier here...

Thanks for reading.
Home of the Secret Sauce!


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Re: Buddies ProShop Demo Day
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 11:03:27 AM »
Buddies are great people to deal with. I just wished I lived in New England so I could go to a Demo Day and speak with them personally. I've ordered from them before and ball arrived as specified. They are a real 1st Class Pro Shop.
My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury
Raw Hammer Pain
Blue Vibe