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Author Topic: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?  (Read 2955 times)

Ric Clint

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USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« on: May 13, 2005, 11:44:26 AM »
I've heard mixed reviews and can't get the straight of this thing regarding weight holes and static weights?

I'm wondering if they are gonna quit checking and weighing a ball to check for static weights IF the new rules were to pass?

Right now the static weight limits for side, finger, and thumb is 1oz.

If the new rules DO pass and a ball can't have a weight hole and can't have the CG more than 1" right of grip center... will it still matter what the static weights are (or if they're over the 1oz limit)? Or can the static weights be more than 1oz just as long as the CG is 1" from grip center and there's no weight hole?

Can anybody give me the straight of this?



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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 08:00:58 PM »

I sent an email and asked, I'm stupid, I had to ask.
IF, as I thought the static weights were going to remain, then how could you do much changing, except for deeper finger/thumb holes to reduce weight. If they were going away, then so be it, but I could see using that weight just as a "reverse" weight or X hole, so I asked.

The generic answer I got, was yes static weights will have to be within the limits as stated in the (upcoming) rules.

I read between the lines and IMO...just MO...I bet the static weights will, if the no weight hole thing passes, the static weights will be adjusted, some. I thing they'll have to be.....however could you drill a ball, find you are .5oz over weight, now how do you adjust ? In some cases, you might NOT be able to go deeper, so now what do you do ? Have a very expensive door stop ?

I'm betting the weights get adjusted IF the "hole" (pun intended) thing passes.

Again, just how I read between the lines, I can be off on this, but I never got an answer I could take as fact.

Have a Good one
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 10:38:02 PM »
I believe that is the whole point. Manufacturers will be required to manufacture balls that will not exceed the static weight limits when the ball is drilled within the 1" ruling.


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Ric Clint

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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2005, 06:12:47 PM »

And any more comments are welcome!


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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2005, 09:00:32 PM »
I sent an email to the tec side at ref to weights...etc, the answer I got back was...Yes, there will be static weight rules. I got a lot of double talk, but reading between the lines, IF it passes, and IF the static weights remain, they will not remain as written, today, there will be some sort of change to the weight rule...again, I was reading between the lines.

AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Ric Clint

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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2005, 02:17:38 PM »
Thanks! Any other comments are welcome.

Doc Hollywood

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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2005, 11:27:22 PM »
I think the ru;le is ludicrous.  I have a time zone that I put the pin under ring and the cg 1/4" from the center line and MB was under my thumb and the ball had 1 3/8 side weight.  Only way to fix it was to put a weight hole in it.
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10 In The Pit

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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2005, 07:04:05 AM »
I agree with Doc....the proposed rules are completely LUDICROUS!!!  I don't know who is in control at Greendale these days, but obviously someone there isn't using their brain.  If the USBC is trying to gain some respect, they aren't doing a good job of it.


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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2005, 04:56:59 PM »
Everybody is upset because their rules change proposals dont make any sense, and if everybody has to follow these rules, 90% of the bowling balls in use today will become boat anchors and lawn ornaments. On top of that, even when a ball is drilled to these proposed changes, if a ball is drilled per their specs and still has more than 1 oz side/top/finger/thumb weight, ball will require a weight hole, which would be illegal and would not be able to be used in league/tournament whatever. Bowlers wether they avg 130 or 230 do not want to waste their money buying a ball that has to be drilled one way just to make it legal, when it wont help their game. On top of that, bowlers who own more then a couple of balls (especially ones who own more than 10) will have to go out and buy/replace all their equipment which most of us cannot afford to do. Bowling companies, distributors, pro shops and bowling alleys will all go out of business trying to stay afloat and eventually bowling will become extinct (ok maybe not that extreme but you get the point). USBC is just going about everything the wrong way it seems like and if they get their way on their proposals, bowlers will quit bowling leagues and the sport will die fast.
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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2005, 05:27:04 PM »
I have been bowling since I was 5. I never started "hooking" a ball until I was 14. Even then I used a brace to help me get more hook. I started getting into layouts and reactions on equipment when I was 18. The more I have learned, the more in which I feel about the USBC proposals. All of us in the Y-generation have got used to the layouts and I have had quite a bit of equipment drilled that required a weight hole. I have practiced alot of games to get as good as I am. Where I live, a 210 isn't that big of an average but it is something I feel of an accomplishment. The thing is, LEAVE THE RULES AS THEY ARE, don't try to fix something if it isn't broke. If there are people complaining of high scores, then all they need to do is quite whining and go practice and get better. I've had plenty of games where I shot 250-260 games and still not win a high game pot or total series. It happens, we are in the era of easy oil patterns and adult bumper bowling. Don't try to restrict a good thing. People want higher scores, and the proprietors are giving them what they want. If people want a challenge, that is what sport shots pattern leagues and the PBA are for. To test the skill of an individual who thinks an "easy" oil pattern is just that...easy!

Finally, as many people's opinions I've read and the statements from ball companies (columbia, brunswick, track, ebonite, etc.) and I just don't see this plan working.
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Re: USBC rules pertaining to weight holes and static weights?
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2005, 05:27:39 PM »
so if the avg joe bowler has a ball with a weight hole of not within 1" of he cg and the time passes where it is now illegal and cant throw it he has to go buy a new ball. Say he cant afford to go buy another $200+ ball to replace his, or even $100 to buy a low end ball? He has to either:

1)use a house ball or use somebody elses that is legal which probably wont fit his hand
2)quit bowling until he can afford to spend the money to get a new ball. say save $10 a week until he has enough, he buys a $150 ball (drilling and grips included say) thats 15 weeks of no bowling, or 1/2 a season. More expensive ball would be longer.

If 30% of the bowlers fall into this category, thats 30% less bowlers participating in 1/2 a season of league. Teams would have to replace them or take a blind, but still have to pay their league fees to the bowling alley/prize fund. If they dont, bowling alleys arent getting the money to cover the fees for league for lineage thus losing money and prize funds fall short which will make other bowlers/teams upset and want to go bowl another league where everybody will pay, possibly in another house. Again, bowling alley loses money/business.

Pro shops fall into this same category. Lose 30% of your business and your done unless somehow the other 70% of your business buys more equipment and you can get a whole bunch of new customers, which is bowlers are quitting/cant afford to bowl wont happen. Pro shops will lose money.

If both the bowling alley and pro shop lose enough money, they go broke and fold. Now you have all those employees looking for new jobs, either in another bowling alley, or in another field of work all together. If everybody had the time to practice more than they do now and could afford to drop a couple hundred dollars on new equipment, then I dont know if this would be as big a deal or not. Since most people dont have time/money it is a big deal.
Once I find a replacement for my Depth Charge, my initiation will be complete to join the Nacion full time.....