I sent an email and asked, I'm stupid, I had to ask.
IF, as I thought the static weights were going to remain, then how could you do much changing, except for deeper finger/thumb holes to reduce weight. If they were going away, then so be it, but I could see using that weight just as a "reverse" weight or X hole, so I asked.
The generic answer I got, was yes static weights will have to be within the limits as stated in the (upcoming) rules.
I read between the lines and IMO...just MO...I bet the static weights will, if the no weight hole thing passes, the static weights will be adjusted, some. I thing they'll have to be.....however could you drill a ball, find you are .5oz over weight, now how do you adjust ? In some cases, you might NOT be able to go deeper, so now what do you do ? Have a very expensive door stop ?
I'm betting the weights get adjusted IF the "hole" (pun intended) thing passes.
Again, just how I read between the lines, I can be off on this, but I never got an answer I could take as fact.
Have a Good one
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.