The other couple on my 4 person mixed team quit after one season. The gentleman of the couple hated the rules that allowed substitutes. I think he felt that higher average substitutes used by a team constituted "cheating" even though it is a handicap league (90% of 220) and none of the subs who bowled against us were instrumental in defeating us. If we lost to a team with subs, it was out own stupid fault for bowling lousy.
This couple is very nice, good bowlers, pay attention to the game, don't wander, are on time etc. I cannot get him to explain exactly what he dislikes so vehemently that he refuses to continue to bowl with us.
Seems to me the appropriate method would be to identify the specific rules he objects to and attempt to get those rules changed next season. In any event, the rules are the same for everybody and nobody is going to agree with all the rules.
I have backed off from discussing this further with them for now, but would really like to have them back next season.
Sorry for the long explanation. Any advice?
What's with the Braille on a drive-up-ATM?
Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.