win a ball from

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« on: January 12, 2019, 12:43:37 AM »
Hello all! Another question for you. Per the subject box, can one still be competitive in bowling with 14lbs equipment? I'm 48, but I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (military related) I've come back and quit the game numerous time because of shoulder, elbow and wrist pain. Kinda' got fed up with sandbagging and folks not wanting to start leagues on sports shots too, but I'm pretty much over all that now. I want to have fun, enjoy the game, and take my competitiveness as far as I possibly can. The last time I quit, I was throwing 15lbs gear. Is there anyone on the forums who have been successful in winning any tourneys or brackets with this ball weight?  I did search for this, but I got a lot of older threads. If there are any newer threads on the subject, please post a link to it. Thanks again!



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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2019, 05:08:31 AM »
While I didn’t win any tournaments while throwing my 14lb stuff, I did not experience any loss in average.

 I had some wrist problems a few years ago, and dropped down to 14lbs. Might still be throwing that weight, if not for a “mistake” someone made when selling me a used ball that ended up actually being heavier.

 The carry was different, but not better OR worse, just different. The high flush shots you can’t tell any difference. The ONLY place I saw any difference was on those poorly thrown shots where your pin carry would be very subjective, and “iffy” to begin with. Didn’t seem to get the same pin slinging “lucky” carry as the heavier stuff did.

 Good side effect though, was I didn’t throw as many of those type shots with the 14’s. The drop in weight actually let me be a little more accurate.

 I shot my only 800 ever with a ball that was 14.5lbs, and an older friend of mine, who had bowled some out on tour years ago, shot his only 800 ever with a true 14lb ball.

 I, personally, am not afraid at all of 14lb stuff. You may have to make some minor adjustments if you switch though. Many people find they can use more aggressive stuff, or at least stronger drilling’s, in lighter stuff, due to the fact that they throw it harder. I, myself, never experienced this, but I have seen it firsthand.

 Best advice I can give you is, you never know until you try. Get you a relatively inexpensive 14lb ball off of a close out sale somewhere, and give it a try. If you can get over that mental hurdle you’ll have for a while, you should do just fine.

P.S. Many years ago, Marshall Holman broke one of his fingers, and used a 14lb Columbia Yellow Dot in a tournament. He did well enough to make the finals, and there is a clip on YouTube where they make reference to being amazed at how the 14lb ball was carrying.

Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.


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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2019, 03:04:04 PM »
While I didn’t win any tournaments while throwing my 14lb stuff, I did not experience any loss in average.

 I had some wrist problems a few years ago, and dropped down to 14lbs. Might still be throwing that weight, if not for a “mistake” someone made when selling me a used ball that ended up actually being heavier.

 The carry was different, but not better OR worse, just different. The high flush shots you can’t tell any difference. The ONLY place I saw any difference was on those poorly thrown shots where your pin carry would be very subjective, and “iffy” to begin with. Didn’t seem to get the same pin slinging “lucky” carry as the heavier stuff did.

 Good side effect though, was I didn’t throw as many of those type shots with the 14’s. The drop in weight actually let me be a little more accurate.

 I shot my only 800 ever with a ball that was 14.5lbs, and an older friend of mine, who had bowled some out on tour years ago, shot his only 800 ever with a true 14lb ball.

 I, personally, am not afraid at all of 14lb stuff. You may have to make some minor adjustments if you switch though. Many people find they can use more aggressive stuff, or at least stronger drilling’s, in lighter stuff, due to the fact that they throw it harder. I, myself, never experienced this, but I have seen it firsthand.

 Best advice I can give you is, you never know until you try. Get you a relatively inexpensive 14lb ball off of a close out sale somewhere, and give it a try. If you can get over that mental hurdle you’ll have for a while, you should do just fine.

P.S. Many years ago, Marshall Holman broke one of his fingers, and used a 14lb Columbia Yellow Dot in a tournament. He did well enough to make the finals, and there is a clip on YouTube where they make reference to being amazed at how the 14lb ball was carrying.

Thanks, tons for this Juggernaut! It is greatly appreciated!


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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2019, 06:08:21 PM »
Dropped to 14 around July 2018, glad I did. Was having shoulder, elbow and wrist problems since the drop I have won and placed in several scratch tourneys. Have not regretted it and probably wont go back to 15.

Carry is fine, only thing I see is more light or mid pocket 7 pins (I am righty).
Just watch the high RG balls and drill them shorter pin to pap, longer pins could be a problem..


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« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2019, 05:38:49 AM »
Dropped to 14 around July 2018, glad I did. Was having shoulder, elbow and wrist problems since the drop I have won and placed in several scratch tourneys. Have not regretted it and probably wont go back to 15.

Carry is fine, only thing I see is more light or mid pocket 7 pins (I am righty).
Just watch the high RG balls and drill them shorter pin to pap, longer pins could be a problem..

I have found the same exact thing as JamminJD and Juggernaut have.  Been using 14's for many years now as a senior it has helped my ball speed to be better than it would be right now using 15's.  As JamminJD says watch your layouts with 14's factoring in RG, total diff.  This can be an issue with 2 piece balls as they go much higher in RG and drop in total differential. 