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Author Topic: How Much difference if any  (Read 488 times)


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How Much difference if any
« on: February 23, 2009, 12:33:38 AM »
How much difference is their between the big and small companies in perfermance of the bowling balls they create? Like is Storm and Roto-Grip that far ahead of Visionary and MoRich, in technology terms?

Do you think anyone company has a advantage in cover stocks or cores than another?

I would say No to this I think Storm and Roto match the modern game better, than Brunswick or whatever other company. What do you guys think?
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Re: How Much difference if any
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 08:42:51 AM »
No as I've thrown both Visionary and some Roto, one Storm and some Big B along with one MoRich, etal.  They all have their place and it's how you match up to the condition bowled on and your technique.  They all can have their place or will work for a specific player.  I look at longevity....Visionary is right up there on this and width and breadth of their line-up.  

It's more about if your pro shop guy can drill specific pieces and match you up than the specific line of balls for me.  I like Visionary higher Rg equipment cuz I've slowed down over the years and am now medium speed.

I could use any of the manufacturers that you mentioned and make them work for me.
