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Author Topic: Bunch of liberals . .  (Read 8572 times)


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Bunch of liberals . .
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:14:23 AM »
I've never understood the idea of one person having freedom at the expense of someone else's . . but people seem to think that's perfectly ok.  Everytime the debate of bowling being too easy comes up, all the big score loving house bowlers get all up in arms to defend themselves from the attacks of the elitist snobby scratch bowlers.  Whoever said recreational bowling had to die?  Whoever said house shots had to die?  All I'm saying is I want competition and challenge available, and I'd scoot my happy little ass off in that direction and never say another word about it.  What's with the all or nothing attitude?  Just because you don't support someone else's opinion doesn't mean you can't still support their right to have it.  I don't look down on anyone because they have fun bowling a handicap league on a house shot, a couple of the better or more "fun" leagues in town are exactly that.  But you know you show up for those with a few friends, and everybody accuses you of loading up a team to try and run the league and almost kick you out . .

If it's supposed to be fun, what's with the handicappers getting butthurt about losing?  The better bowlers don't become bitter and pissy over nothing, they get pissy about the constant persecution for one reason or another.  Either they get ridiculed for being "serious," or for putting time and effort in, or for "ruining" leagues, or countless other things.  But boy the house shot handicappers sure don't like it when the argument gets turned around.

Is there a way for everyone to be happy?  It's supposed to be fun, and different people define fun in different ways.  Your fun shouldn't be at the expense of someone else's, nor should you persecute others for how they choose to have fun.  Lol, can't we all just get along?
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?



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Re: Bunch of liberals . .
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2014, 02:37:14 PM »
Lmao . . touche . .

Lol yeah liberals . . extreme liberals albeit.  Always screaming for freedom, but their freedom is always at the expense of someone else's.  Was going for a controversial title . .
Could've called it, "Bunch of conservatives....". Pretending they understand things and forcing their false beliefs on the public.

LOL, exactly my thoughts when I read the title and his first post...
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?