I don't bowl as much as I use to but when I can just hanging around the center I hear other bowlers complain about good bowlers bowling on the same team year after year but it's the handicapped team that wins the league majority of the time.
I have heard this many times. I went to leaguesecretary to look up the final sheets for our local mens handicap league to see how the top five and bottom five average teams fared thru the years.
2002-3... 1031-4th, 1027-3rd, 999-5th, 979-23rd, 973-6th.
24 TEAMS.. 802-17th, 821-9th, 828-18th, 841 -15th, 846-10th.
2003-4... 1038-
1st, 1033-9th, 1016-7th, 987-18th, 977-16th.
24 TEAMS.. 762-24th, 807-23rd, 826-12th, 829-4th, 831-17th.
2004-5... 1001-16th, 991-3rd, 981-15th, 963-4th, 953-
24 TEAMS.. 759-21st, 776-17th, 792-10th, 793-19th, 818-12th.
2005-6... 1016-9th, 981-7th, 976-4th, 969-3rd, 968-5th.
20 TEAMS.. 746-14th, 763-20th, 780-17th, 839-10th, 857-15th.
2006-7... 1023-7th, 1007-14th, 997-9th, 990-
1st, 981-5th.
20 TEAMS.. 753-19th, 802-15th, 812-2nd, 813-10th, 828-4th.
2007-8... 1041-8th, 1031-10th, 1021-
1st, 1013-6th, 1009-4th.
20 TEAMS.. 712-19th, 846-18th, 857-7th, 866-5th, 875-16th.
2008-9... 1046-17th, 1044-7th, 1037-11th, 1012-4th, 1011-2nd.
20 TEAMS.. 691-20th, 744-
1st, 839-10th, 851-15th, 882-9th.
2009-10.. 1060-5th, 1056-
1st, 1035-6th, 1021-11th, 1020-7th.
20 TEAMS.. 796-16th, 850-19th, 851-18th, 855-15th, 863-17th.
2010-11.. 1104-4th, 1069-
1st, 1039-13th, 1030-3rd, 1030-10th.
20 TEAMS.. 862-9th, 964-20th, 876-15th, 882-14th, 885-12th.
2011-12.. 1046-
1st, 1046-12th, 1037-8th, 1012-6th, 1001-11th.
20 TEAMS.. 748-16th, 830-14th, 844-10th, 858-20th, 870-4th.
2012-13.. 1053-4th, 1011-
1st, 1001-2nd, 998-3rd, 993-20th.
20 TEAMS.. 683-19th, 808-13th, 845-9th, 869-7th, 870-6th.