More and more bowling ball companies keep sprouting up, flooding the market with more and more equipment. But the question is, is the new stuff really any better? Are you scoring better at all? And if you are, are you sure the ball is responsible for it? My average has gone absolutely nowhere in 6 or 7 years, but I've gone through tons of balls. Does today's equipment really act much different than stuff a decade ago? Is it more durable? I think all that's happened is people are getting more technical, and they're more in love with the theoretical science of it than the practical realism. Sorry, but the latest and greatest isn't . . it's just different. Storm's biggest success is also its biggest mistake in continuing to produce the Hyroad. The ball is 5 years old, which is a testament to how good it is, but it's also undeniable proof that nothing that ANYBODY else is making is any better, despite the claims. All it's done is reinforce a culture of being dependent on technology and equipment rather than skill.