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Author Topic: Business 101?  (Read 643 times)


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Business 101?
« on: January 17, 2011, 04:46:58 AM »
Hello all,

Was a little bored in the house, so decided to get in some practice.  There is a center (not an alley, a corporate place with sofas and arcades) which is a pretty nice ride from me, that typically has bowling for $ 0.99/line on Mondays.  Well, make the drive only to find out that lines today are

$ 4.99, which is the normal rate from 6PM-close (The rate on Mondays before 6PM is $ 3.99).  Not a total loss as I got to speak with my driller (BTW, one of the best in town), and talk about ways I could donate to his Christmas fund :).


Anyway...I am conflicted...understand the capitalism at work to take advantage of the MLK Day with kids out of school, but, I have a problem with charging the after 6PM rate, rather than the

$ 3.99. 


Honestly, I would not have paid the $ 3.99 either...


Interested in the thoughts here...especially the business owners.



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Re: Business 101?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2011, 01:04:45 PM »
Same boat. Went to the movies today. Normal price for any day (including weekends) is $4 per person for ANY movie. Today, normal price all day because of the holiday. Instead of $20, would have paid $35.50. I did not pay, person in front of me said nope with 3 kids, and the person behind me walked away with 3 kids as well. Thus, 4 adults, 9 kids all walked away because of the raised prices. You know how much they would have made inside on popcorn, soda, and games if the price was $4 like normal? More than enough to make up for the $4 a ticket price.


Oh well.




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Re: Business 101?
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2011, 05:00:55 PM »
4 dollars for a movie ticket? wow we pay 10 bucks here... wtf lol
3835 wrote on 1/17/2011 2:04 PM:
Same boat. Went to the movies today. Normal price for any day (including weekends) is $4 per person for ANY movie. Today, normal price all day because of the holiday. Instead of $20, would have paid $35.50. I did not pay, person in front of me said nope with 3 kids, and the person behind me walked away with 3 kids as well. Thus, 4 adults, 9 kids all walked away because of the raised prices. You know how much they would have made inside on popcorn, soda, and games if the price was $4 like normal? More than enough to make up for the $4 a ticket price.


Oh well.


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Re: Business 101?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 07:27:28 PM »
lol you pay 10 bucks to see a movie...


One reason I love to bowl at Brunswick houses is I get cheap bowling rates no matter what time or day plus all the free bowling coupons and awards I can use as many as a time unlike (cough) AMF houses that will only let you use one coupon a game and there is no such thing as free games to league bowlers.

However I will say at least a the AMF houses in my area stopped with the 4-5 dollars a game during weekends at least before nighttime and charge league rate. The only reason I go to these houses as my local Brunswick houses either have way too many people for my taste or never has open bowling.