In your case, since you're getting raped, the answer is no. There's no way you're going to save money buying online, when you have to pay $75 to get the ball drilled.
For people who don't need the lube as much as you do, the answer is... it depends.
Mostly on the ball you want to buy. If it's a high-end, expensive ball, then yes, you can save money by buying it online, assuming you can get someone to drill it for around 30 bucks.
At the other end of the spectrum, plastic and low-end balls, fuggedaboudit, you'll wind up spending more than if you bought it in the local shop.
Let's say you want a plastic spare ball. A Target Zone runs you 35 bucks + shipping from Buddies; let's say $45 shipped. Now you pay $30 to get it drilled, and your total cost, without grips and slugs, is $75.
You can get a Target Zone just about anywhere for less than that, including drilling and tax.
If you buy 3+
high-end balls per year, and you can get them drilled at a reasonable price, you can save yourself a few bucks by buying online.
Me, I'd rather save a whole bunch more, by buying single-drill used balls, usually in excellent shape, from the good people of!
Yes, it's true, I really
am cheaper than jkiser01!
Cogito ergo bowl