The Xxcel is an awesome ball. Got a new one last week and only made 6 games so far, but on medium to oily conditions this thing is amazing. I have a length drilling (pin above ring, BOMB at 75° from PAP, CG in palm slightly kicked towards PAP) and tested the ball on a 40' crown pattern. The ball goes about 45' down the lane and makes a SHARP turn, recovering from anywhere on the lane. Spectacular, but very controllable. Great job by Ebonite!
I never expected a particle ball to react this way, especially since Ebonite states that it would start rolling rather early.
Highly recommendable.
Another good ball is the Impulse Zone from Brunswick. It is supoposed to be very versatile, too, especially on more oil. Guess it wants to roll earlier than the Xxcel.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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