For some reason, I can't hit my on house. For the past few years my average has been around 220 in that house. Last year, I was down to 216 there. I've been bowling all summer in several tournaments out of town and have really worked on my game but can't score big there.
Years ago, it seemed everyone bowled better at home and was below their average in strange houses. I don't believe that today.
It seems like my best angle to hit the pocket there isn't a very good percentage of carry. I can hit the pocket all night and not score due to corner pins.
In the last few weeks I've bowled in several tournaments out of town and have averaged over 230, yet last night in league, I shot 644.
The shot on the left is good and there is another lefty that out averages me in that house but he doesn't fair very well out of town. My high set in league there last year was about 750 but I had maybe 10 series over 770 in other houses.
I'd say I average 6 to 8 seven pins a set which doesn't do much for your score
Anyone else have this problem?