The only 800 I ever shot came with a used original Inferno. Much of my stuff has become the used variety, as this gives me the option to try balls that I would not pay retail for, or that I just flat out could not afford to buy NIB.
Right now, I'll say what's in my bag and how much I have in it. I have a Total Inferno ($20) ( used, fully plugged once ), a Blueberry Buzzsaw ($0) ( used, fully plugged once, it already fit me. ), the Original Inferno ($40) ( used, fully plugged once ), and a pearl Avalanche ($75) that I bought NIB off e-bay. That's $135 for what's in the bag!
I also have a Columbia EPX T-1 ($30) ( used, fully plugged once ), an ebonite TNV ($45) ( used, thumb plugged, then slugged ), track Coral Triton ($15) ( used, fully plugged once ), ebonite Gamebreaker ($35) ( used but not plugged yet. It needs it ), a storm Trauma ($0) ( used, needs thumb plugged ), and a few other pieces lying around ( including an ebonite Tombstone, a track T-Shark, and a gold Rhino Pro ) ( around $50) that may or may not be of use to me eventually. That's another $175. Total for all these balls is $310. I know people that have paid almost $300 for one ball!
So, out of all those balls, I have
ONE that was purchased NIB, and that was a steal I got on e-bay.
P.S. I forgot to mention I have a single drill black hammer ( that I shot a 300 with), a partially plugged pink hammer ( shot 298 with it ) and a thumb plugged yellow dot ( that I shot 789 with ) in my closet as well.
Norm Duke was right Good transactions list in my profile
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