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Author Topic: Buying Used Balls  (Read 5764 times)


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Buying Used Balls
« on: December 09, 2008, 03:15:46 PM »
K well my question is it really worth it to buy a used ball? Does plugging it and resurfacing it make it basically a brand new ball? I currently have a cell and was looking to grab a cell pearl just cause. I'm on a pretty strict budget so that's why i'm wondering would a used ball perform as well as a new ball?

Edited on 12/10/2008 0:17 AM



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Re: Buying Used Balls
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2008, 06:04:33 PM »
I shot my first honor score with a used ball I bought from LuckyLefty.  299/796.  MoRich Minotaur.  Ugly as sin, but rolled nice despite being used.


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Re: Buying Used Balls
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2008, 07:05:23 PM »
You are both right.

I just bought a used 900 Global Break Pearl off of a user on this board.  It belonged to his son and was on the first drill.  The span was almost identical and my driller only had to drop a bigger slug in the thumb and I was all set.  I got practically a brand new, hard-hitting ball for less than $100 and I'm a happy camper.

Thanks Jess.  This is why I love being part of an online bowling community.

No problem. Take the advice of the guy right above you in this thread. If you're going to buy used, try to find one that has been plugged only once, and/or that already comes pretty close to your span and has a drill pattern on it fairly close to what you'd want anyway. If you find a ball that is drilled with a layout you like, but needs, say, the thumbhole moved about a half-inch down, you'll never be able to tell a difference in performance after plugging so long as the ball has low game traffic on it.



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Re: Buying Used Balls
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2008, 11:33:30 PM »
If you find a ball that is drilled with a layout you like, but needs, say, the thumbhole moved about a half-inch down, you'll never be able to tell a difference in performance after plugging so long as the ball has low game traffic on it.


Does that mean there will be a drop in performance if you plug all the holes and put a new layout on the ball?  I would like to think not.

Also, say you buy a used ball from someone, and it cracks out or something.  Is there any way of getting it replaced, or would you have to go through some drawn out process like sending the ball back to the original owner and them sending it back to the distributor, etc?  I would guess you can't do anything about it but want to be sure.


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Re: Buying Used Balls
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2008, 03:59:02 AM »

Does that mean there will be a drop in performance if you plug all the holes and put a new layout on the ball?  I would like to think not.

Also, say you buy a used ball from someone, and it cracks out or something.  Is there any way of getting it replaced, or would you have to go through some drawn out process like sending the ball back to the original owner and them sending it back to the distributor, etc?  I would guess you can't do anything about it but want to be sure.

To answer your first question, the only time I've ever been able to notice a distinct performance loss in a used ball was one that had been plugged multiple times -- and that may have been due as much to sheer game traffic/cover death as anything else.

As to the second question, that would be a question of "transferability of warranty," and I'm not sure how that would be answered. It might be different for each company, I don't know. I would suspect it would stop at the original purchaser and not transfer to someone who bought it off them second-hand, but if someone else knows for sure, please chime in.



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Re: Buying Used Balls
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2008, 03:06:13 PM »
Two of my balls have had the thumb plugged probably 4 times and moved within an inch of each other, plus the fingers moved slightly.  They're symmetric, but even though all the plug is in the same arrea it seems as if one of them has gotten a little more backened.  I think it's because the core has lost of of its symmetry, even more so than a first drill because plug can probably only add a fraction of the density back.  As for performance loss, I think that would be just due to the amount of use that's been put on it like you said.

As for the warranty still being good if you're the second owner of it, I think you're right that it'd depend on the manufacturer, but for the most part I can't see the company replacing it.  Doesn't the ball have to be less than a year old for the warranty to be good?  The reason I ask is because if you get a used ball with 15 or less games on it, there's still a chance the ball could crack since it hasn't been used that much(if it's defective?).  Although, besides drastic temperature changes, balls will usually crack very quickly(5 games or less) if there's something wrong, right?