Last night was a fun night after league had ended.
My friend left the 7-10 and I proceed to ask him if I can pick it.
Get up there and pick it.
So, then the night goes on and I decide to see how much wood I can toss by throwing at 10s. The shots were INSANE.
Here's one of the better ones of pinaction. two dead woods on this shot alone.
This one I loft it pretty good, but no dead woods, but it sure does hit like a truck: before these videos, this was the thing that made me decide to pull out my camera.'s right. Five dead woods in one shot. The reason there's pins missing from the rack is because after I hit the pins and the 5 came out, it proceeded to set up the pins and they were still falling (I think it was because I finally broke the cracked pin that was in the rack.)
Another note that was cool was that I picked the 10 clean off the right lane and knocked the curtain down.
So, all in all, it was a fun night of flexin' out some fun shots.
Member of the St. Louis, Missouri YABA
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PANICCurrent Arsenal:
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