I'm sure there is a lot around but mostly what I've seen is not for the person who knows little! The subject would be ball layout for drilling .. showing what happens when the layout is one way or another way. Like to see how the core reacts with different layout (drilling's). would like to lay the ball out for myself bring it to the pro shop and have the holes drilled where I define!
I can agree with this myself. One of the best things Hammer did with the First Blood release was to put out a layout reaction video for the ball. They took the same guy, showed him throwing 4 different layouts and how they reacted. Its kind of nice going in that when I have mine drilled next week that we can discuss layouts and I will know what kind of reaction I'm wanting going in.
What I would like to see is someone take the same ball, drill it weak, drill it strong, drill it to roll early or go long and then throw it and show an overlay to see the difference.
I know each ball is different, but a general " if its layed out like this you will see this" compared to a different lay out. Right now I see people toss out all these numbers, but I'll be damned if I know what those are vs what the actual ball reaction is.
BTW Gizmo I'm hoping to get a chance to watch the other video's you posted this weekend. My overtime got cancelled so if the wife can leave me alone for a few I can get it checked out finally