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Author Topic: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers  (Read 4585 times)


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Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« on: September 01, 2004, 04:52:57 AM »
Ok, It’s a new season and time to set some goals. I see so many people give advice here that do not have a 200+ avg on a house shot.

Why will you fail to avg a 200 this year?

I have seen countless hacks tell a new bowler that he doesn’t need a wrist brace and yet many professional coaches say more than 90pct of people needs them.

I have seen many people scoff at the use of a plastic ball for spares. Do they avg 200+?  A high percentage of Pros use them but apparently the 180’s guy know more.

Why is every answer to a problem is "get a new ball"? Yes you need a few balls of different shells/cores. But why do people have 10 symmetrical resin balls? learn to chase the oil line

Here are some real good concepts to get to a 200 on a THS.

Don’t try and be like Robert Smith if you are not Robert Smith. GO up the boards.
Quite squeezing the ball in the stance.
If you can not maintain straight wrist and a free swing, were a brace.
Adopt a spare shooting system. There are many. Pick one and Do It. DO it.
By a plastic ball.
Make adjustments before bringing 12 balls to league night.
When you practice, forget strikes. Pick 10’s and 7’s out of the rack.
If possible see a coach.
Learn to read the lanes. Almost no one puts down oil out side of 5 so there is no OOB. Your just playing the lane wrong.
Learn geometry. If you stand 35 you can not hit the 2nd arrow and keep it on the lane! It means your swing and or footwork is out of square.
Match the ball surface to the lanes.

Now you have no excuses. So all you know it all sub 200 Bowlers can now average a  200 on a House shot.

It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me



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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2004, 01:03:05 PM »
Dude, what's your problem?  Can all major league batting coaches hit .300 for a season?  Can pitching coaches throw a 90 mph fastball?  Can the football coach throw a 40 yard pass under pressure and kick a 50 yard field goal?  Your mentality to those under a 200 average is absurd and ignorant.  I will grant you there are idiots out there, but it's not limited to the sub 200 avg. bowler.  I have encountered plenty of 200+ avg bowlers who don't know jack about the game either.

Congratulations, troll, you just got a response.


Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2004, 01:22:37 PM »
If you struggle to average 200 (raises hand), then I agree with DPR, it's your spare game that needs work.  On a THS, any clown can throw a double or three per game.

Splits and missed easy spares lead to a 160 game.  Now you need to average 220 for the other two games to finish the night with a 600 series.

Unless you typically run strings of 5+ strikes per game, you must learn to make 90% of your spares to be a good bowler.

That's my goal for this year, practice making all my typical spare leaves until I am making 9 out of 10 of them.

Next year, I'll work on the remaining 1 out of 10.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2004, 01:34:01 PM »
I have to agree with 9~ on this one.  Just because someone averages sub 200 does NOT mean they can't give someone useful advice.  There may be many reasons for that person to be averaging under 200 including physical disadvantages.  They may know exactly what to do, yet they are not quite capable of executing what they are intending to do.  

I may be a sub 200 average (although not by much, 195-197), but the majority of the time, i can help out a fellow bowler quite well.  

You (DP) are putting all sub 200 average bowlers into a particular catagory.  That is by no means a fair statement to make.  Being sub 200 does not mean that person is a "hack".  

BTW, I wear a brace and have a 5 ball selection that include various surface, cores and I have a plastic ball for spares.



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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2004, 01:40:59 PM »
Yeah, I must jump on this bandwagon too.  Just because I can't execute, doesn't mean I don't KNOW.  I mean, when was the last time Tiger Woods' coach made the cut, much less won a tournament.
Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right.


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2004, 01:56:16 PM »

You fail to realize that not everyone bowls on the GREAT WALL of GRAVY.
So don't make statements based on average unless you have seen them bowl and you yourself bowled on the same condition.

According to what you say there were only 3 bowlers in my home alley that are qualified to give coaching advice. Yet several that average 220+ at other houses.

There has never been a sanctioned 800 bowled there in its 40 year history and only 5 300s in the last 2 years. The reason; tough condition medium heavy 44' pattern, OOB outside 5 and it is not a nice smooth blend you basically have 3-4 boards to play with at the break point that equates to about 1/2 board of error room on each side at the arrows.


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2004, 02:00:23 PM »
A little harsh but a lot of truth is in there.

For some us us who have been on the site for 2 or more years have seen this time and again.

topics of wrist braces bring out the heated discusions always. and it's usually the low avg guy who denounces them for no real reason and never considers other bolwers, just his opinoin. That is not coaching. if you have no students or they all avg 180, your no coach.

forget about plastic balls and spares. same thing. except it is usually a 200+ guy.
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2004, 02:03:35 PM »
Ok, It’s a new season and time to set some goals. I see so many people give advice here that do not have a 200+ avg on a house shot.

Why will you fail to avg a 200 this year?

I have seen countless hacks tell a new bowler that he doesn’t need a wrist brace and yet many professional coaches say more than 90pct of people needs them.

I have seen many people scoff at the use of a plastic ball for spares. Do they avg 200+?  A high percentage of Pros use them but apparently the 180’s guy know more.

Why is every answer to a problem is "get a new ball"? Yes you need a few balls of different shells/cores. But why do people have 10 symmetrical resin balls? learn to chase the oil line

Here are some real good concepts to get to a 200 on a THS.

Don’t try and be like Robert Smith if you are not Robert Smith. GO up the boards.
Quite squeezing the ball in the stance.
If you can not maintain straight wrist and a free swing, were a brace.
Adopt a spare shooting system. There are many. Pick one and Do It. DO it.
By a plastic ball.
Make adjustments before bringing 12 balls to league night.
When you practice, forget strikes. Pick 10’s and 7’s out of the rack.
If possible see a coach.
Learn to read the lanes. Almost no one puts down oil out side of 5 so there is no OOB. Your just playing the lane wrong.
Learn geometry. If you stand 35 you can not hit the 2nd arrow and keep it on the lane! It means your swing and or footwork is out of square.
Match the ball surface to the lanes.

Now you have no excuses. So all you know it all sub 200 Bowlers can now average a  200 on a House shot.

It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me

Some people can't pysicaly put things in there games or have a harder time with change however still koledgeable. I know a guy who avg. 235 and is dumb as a rock and a guy that avg 160 that has a crap load of info. Being a good "200 avg" bowler has nothing to do with knowing about bowling.

Hell when I avg 190 people on my dads league would ask me for my input on things and adjustments (these guys were the "hot stuff" bowlers).

I guess you could say the same thing about bowlers who have not bowled as long. I find that not ture either. My best fried didn't start bowling until 3 years ago and when people here him say something it sticks with everyone. For like a year he hung out at the bowling alley and learned numbers of things.
Bowl To Win!!!


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2004, 02:08:55 PM »
I'm no troll.
I have no problem.

I lurk a lot and post a few times.

I should have said sub 180 bowlers because these guys really drive me nuts.
Yes a 200 can become a 160 easy and yes I have bowled with 200+ guys that have no clue.

and for all of you who know so much, who do you coach?

no guys like Jowdy and taylor don't need to bowl because they have a higher understanding of the game and can give blanket advice or individual advice.

but still 200 on a THS is easy. Now comparing a 200 THB with tiger? come on. that would be a 240 bowler comparison. that is a level above. I bet a lot of good caddies/coaches could be a low handicap.

so that is a very weak argument and shows that you have a true lack of knowledge in the game you are giving advice.

most anyone with athletic ability is just a 2 thing removed from being a 200 bowlers.
Knowledge and commitment.

It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2004, 02:27:04 PM »
unless you have no coordination or are hadicapped. 160? comae on make a spare.

as for the tough house guy. that' cool. I said typical house shot. THS.

simple pattern no OOB, easy to score if you pull you head out from the sand.

I bowl with guys that are terrible and they still manage 190's with no lesson and no practice. it's just than darn easy.

and I am particularly challenging the 160 know it all who doesn't really coach but tells everyone what to do. I giving them advice that should make it easy to hit a deuce.

am I athletic? not really. I have bad knees, bad wrist, took time off and missed the birth of resin. I about 50 pct of where i should be and yet a 600 is easy on a THS. on a real shot? probably sub 200. but yet if I bowled in a Tough league I would fair well over time.

I do belive you need 5 to 7 ball for different patterns if you shoot tournaments. you have equalize the playing field a little. So the 5 ball guy. wasn't saying that. I said 12 balls to league. even in a second shift league 2 or 3 max.

I talking about guys who say drill it 1x1 etc. and yet with all this supposed ball drilling knowledge advise a ball and a drill with never addressing the spare game. any ball can get to the whole. you have to make spares. and yet you can have 6 balls and still get into If I had such and Such ball drilled blah blah...
It is a mental weakness. there are 4 other areas of adjustments to make that ball work. you don't need a new ball, you need new skills. but since these guys can not make more than one adjustment they always take the equipment approach.

I say that is ridiculous. make thouse adjustments your self learn what they do. watch other people make those adjustments. then maybe you will have a clue.

It's easy to sit in cyberspace, know it all and dole out bad advice possible setting back bowlers 2 to 3 years.

How many 200 bolers hear have recieved advice from a 130 bolers and it worked?

that should prove me wrong or right.

even then I want the sub 200 bolwers( maybe 180 or less) who know it all to tell me why on a THS they can't score with all that knowledge when there are sevral who do?

I not knocking the sub 180 bolwer. learn to read. I said the sub 180 know it all! the suppose coach, that has no students.

I have seen a good coach avg 170 but his has physical problems.

It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me

Edited on 9/1/2004 2:23 PM


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2004, 02:27:58 PM »
Ok, It’s a new season and time to set some goals. I see so many people give advice here that do not have a 200+ avg on a house shot.

Why will you fail to avg a 200 this year?

There is a difference between knowledge of the game and being capable of throwing high averages. All the knowledge in the world cant help you when breeaks aren't going your way. Are you telling me that my silver certified coach that averages 190 a year and has never made it to 200 is not qualified? Truly this comment shows your stupidity.


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2004, 02:28:44 PM »
excuse my spelling


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2004, 02:34:56 PM »
no strike, I think you can comprehend well. I never said a trained coach has to avg high.  but certainly an untrained bowlers with no students must have something to back him up especially in cyberspace.

a certificate gives you credibility. 160 and fancy words that you reiterate do not.

spelling excused.
It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me


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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2004, 02:49:55 PM »
Haven't you ever heard the saying.

"Those who can do, Those who can't teach"

While this isn't always true it is actually quit common.
No offence to anyone that can and teaches also.

It does not take physical ability to coach only knowledge.
I could be a quadriplegic and still be a bowling genius even
though I couldn't even hold a ball



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Re: Calling out the know it all < 200 bowlers
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2004, 03:18:46 PM »
I actually believe that getting ones game to the highest level almost in many cases precludes the ablility to teach.

I can't imagine taking lessons from Walter Ray at this time!

Once his carreer is over that may be a different story.  I believe he takes every effort to improve his own game and focus and has very little time to bother with wasting any mental energy on other's games!

So it is with averaging 200!  I have not been doing so lately in league but also I do none of the things I usually do in preparing to bowl well.  Which is a concentrated effort for me.  Luckily in general in tourney's which they tell me are harder condition tournaments I continue to throw over 600 sets quite consistently.

Also in the leagues I am in over the last two years there has only been one lefty over 210 and the last league I was in there were no lefties over 200!!!
While 20 righties were between 210 and 230.  They are just better.

What ever type of condition this is that requires me to use pearls and them to use Heavy load particle balls I don't know just fair I guess.  I just know that when they put out  their so called tough shots, flat or with strips all of a sudden I have some head oil!  Good bye!


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