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Author Topic: ball type?  (Read 761 times)


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ball type?
« on: May 21, 2009, 05:31:45 AM »
I need some help.How do I tell the difference between a asymmetric ball and a symmetric one and how are they different.Can you tell me  some types of both.I have a Back Yard Bully that I love, a Big Shot,Professional,two Orange warlocks,Red Exc,Scorcher,Break,Break Pearl,Ogre Solid,Green Gargole.I score well with most every thing. The global and the Scorcher are my sport league balls.On a THS the Columbia balls kill nite in and nite out.



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Re: ball type?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 03:56:35 PM »
Your Ogre is symmetric and your Breaks are asymmetric.  That's all I know off hand for your equipment.  The difference is core shape and asymmetrics have a Mass Bias that plays a role in how the ball will react based on how it's drilled.  Asymmetrics also tend to have a bigger backend.  AFAIK, the ball is asymmetric if you can't cut the core in half and have identical halves.  Plus, if you look at the specs for a ball, there will be an Intermediate Differential Rating, that means the ball is asymmetric.  The higher the rating, the stronger the MB.


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Re: ball type?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2009, 04:33:59 PM »
I need some help.How do I tell the difference between a asymmetric ball and a symmetric one and how are they different.Can you tell me  some types of both.I have a Back Yard Bully that I love, a Big Shot,Professional,two Orange warlocks,Red Exc,Scorcher,Break,Break Pearl,Ogre Solid,Green Gargole.I score well with most every thing. The global and the Scorcher are my sport league balls.On a THS the Columbia balls kill nite in and nite out.

Of the balls listed, the Break and the Break Pearl have an asymmetric core.

YOu can tell ONLY because the manufacturer tells you so. Most balls with a significant Mass Bias strength (greater than .008") have it marked by the manufacturer. (It can be measured with the right tools.)

Balls with a strong MB will have a gretaer sensitivity to having an effect on the breakpoint appearance. It all depends on where the driller puts the MB with respect to the bowler's PAP AND with regard to the bowler's release specs: rev rate, ball pseed, tilt, rotation, etc. The right or wrong placement of the MB can have a great effect on the ball's path:
1. the ball may have  asharp breakpoint,
2. the ball can have a very early and rolly (arc-like, even banana-like old fashioned curve) type of breakpoint.or
3. It can have a very late breakpoint.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: ball type?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2009, 03:40:53 PM »
Thanks, I understand a little more now.