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Author Topic: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness  (Read 3446 times)

Saw Mill

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Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« on: July 16, 2003, 03:07:20 AM »
Just wanted to know what you people think. If a person asked you for a discontinued ball, and you were able to locate one (NIB), and the price it would cost you was, say 70.00. You then proceed to tell your potential buyer that all you ask for, is a 10.00 profit, on top of the 12.00 shipping cost brining the total cost to 92.00. That individual responds with the comment, "Ouch, I can go get it for 89.00 from so-and-so!" Would someone tell me when 3 dollars became something that hurt. I am on unemployment, and if I can't afford 3 dollars, then what am I doing paying for a league, much less buying a ball in the first place? I would like to know what some others think, and if you can tell me if 3 dollars constitutes a slap in the face remark like "ouch", followed by "so-and-so sells it for 3 dollars less"? The seller is only asking for 10.00 profit above cost, is that unreasonable. I can just imagine what his Peachness would think of this story.


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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2003, 06:11:01 PM »
Service may not have a direct charge, but it DOES have value.
Just tell this jerk that your cost stands, and so does your service.
then don't worry about it. Sending people like that to your competition is actually the right thing to do. They deserve each other.
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Saw Mill

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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2003, 06:17:16 PM »
Thanks mumzie, that is what I thought as well.  Let a competitor deal with someone that gets hurt over 3 dollars, when this seller's customer service is priceless.  I would tell them, well, go to so-and-so and buy from them, if 3 dollars is that much to you.  I would hold out hope that the individual was just kidding.

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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2003, 10:26:09 PM »
I would say that person was getting a great deal.

Only making 10.00 for your time is way too low.

I would have marked it up much higher but thats just my opinion.

The person should have been happy that you went out of your way to locate the ball, and ecstatic that they only had to pay 10.00 extra on top of your cost.


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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2003, 11:09:37 PM »
I used to own a furniture store. I dealt with people who always wanted that little extra discount. I learned those people are the ones that will whine about any little thing that happens to that item and demand full attention.
I started to hold my ground with these types and let them take their money elsewhere. Can't please everyone...
I lost the store in a divorce   She lost it a year later due to her own stupidity



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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2003, 11:31:22 PM »
After than comment I would do one of two things.

immediate raise the price 10 dollars and every time he muttered something other than ok i would raise it another 10.00

or charge him double to drill it because it's a discontinued ball and you can't replace it if it cracked on the drill press.

Of course that's why they don't let me negotiate with customers
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2003, 11:33:03 PM »
Sorry to hear about that Saw...  It still amazes me how the almighty dollar makes people get stupid about things that don't really matter. My hats off to you for going to all the trouble and only asking $10 markup.

I'm the type of guy that hates to see the little guys taken down by mega store chains.  Therefore, I will go out of my way to seek out the independently owned places, like the good old Mom N Pop greasy spoon diners.  I travel 35 miles to frequent a house (and am trying to fit it into my league schedule next year) because the owners are really cool and they have an awesome place - even though there are a dozen others in the city closer to where I work.  I also frequent another small house that's not as aesthetically pleasing, but they keep it nice and the lanes and machines are in good shape.  Does it cost me more?  Sure, they have expenses to meet (and usually these places cannot get the bulk buy savings of a large business), but that little extra cost is nothing when I consider the friends I have made by frequenting such places, as opposed to the cold "gimme your money and get out" attitude of the large corporations.  Besides, places like these (not just bowling alleys) are closing every year, and although my one night of league and 2 ball purchases a year may not add up to much, but I'm doing what I can to help them stay in business a little longer.

Kinda rambled there, but I think whoever squabbled with you over $3 may be missing the big picture.


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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2003, 12:19:46 AM »
Saw Mill,

I am sorry you got taken for a ride.

Some people will always be low-life pond scum, no matter how much perfume you pour on them. Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, as an ancient saying goes.

Next time, before you do a special search for a ball for a new customer, ask for a non-refundable down-payment. It will tell you whether or not they are serious or just yanking your chain. Such downpayment are commonly 33 1/3% of purchase price.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

Edited on 7/17/2003 0:29 AM
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Saw Mill

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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2003, 12:54:59 AM »
Charlest and others,

Thanks for the comments, but I wish to convey that this did not happen to me, but someone that I know around here.  I have told this person that I was going to post this and let him know the types of responses I got.  It is good to see that there are those here that understand where I am coming from, and my friend was upset, and I told him to do what some of you suggested, and to even send him to the individual.  I said, after that to call the proshop and tell him what the guy was like.  Like DW said, 10.00 profit is not much, but that is the way my friend is.  It is okay to want a deal, but instead of saying what the guy said, just say thanks and either take the offer or just go buy somewhere else.  Thanks to EVERYONE who has replied, he will be glad to know that he is not alone in feeling slighted and treated ungratefully.  Hey 9, I like the mom and pop stores too, the personal touch, service, and friendliness is unmatched.

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Edited on 7/17/2003 1:06 AM


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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2003, 07:36:40 AM »
let me please remind everyone of a great Peach'ism............BOWLERS ARE CHEAP!!

Ain't it true!

(yes, I purposely used the word "ain't"

Just chimin' in !


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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2003, 08:15:04 AM »
This board is a place of barter. So Saw this seems completely normal. If this person could get you come down just a dollar he made a better deal and feel better about it. Just as most try to do when acquiring items outside of established stores. The art of bartering is still alive in America and when you have people come together to trade and sell items then this is the natural occurrence of getting the best deal. It goes with the territory. How often do you see in the Want-ads here at BR "make me an offer". Don't be offended, you are in barter town.

Saw Mill

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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2003, 01:42:23 PM »

First of all it was not offered here, rather the guy contacted him via e-mail and requested him to search for a discontinued ball.  When it was found, my friend contacted the guy via e-mail, with the cost of ball, 10.00 profit, and shipping of 12.00 (total was 87.00), and the guy replied, "Ouch, I can get it here for 84.00".  The guy asked him, and rather than saying what you can get if for, just thank him for trying and buy somewhere else.  Besides, like Drill Wizard said, my friend was only making 10 dollars for his troubles.  This may be a barter place at times, but it is not a place to slap someone in the face at 3 dollars.  When I ask for offers, I am giving the users credit that they will be serious, and not make stupid offers that obviously show a person trying to get something for nothing.  I like deals like the rest, but 3 dollars is not to beef about, ESPECIALLY since this shop guy offers his customers other immeneties that are priceless.  It is very hard to find NIB discontinued balls now-a-days, and that alone is worth it.

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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2003, 02:13:34 PM »
This is business, it should not be taken so personal. I have seen 15 cent items bartered down to 10 cent at flee markets. It is about money, partly but mostly about making a good deal. (A slap in the face to me if he countered with a 40 dollar offer instead.)
But let us suppose he had a ball you wanted and offered it up for trade instead of money but wanted 10 dollars to call it even. Would you not countered his offer? The particulars of how the money gets broken down is not the concern of the buyer. The final cost from the seller compared to another seller is.
So the business transaction you have taken on is very open for bartering. It can and will be counter offered often.


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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2003, 02:55:31 PM »
When it was found, my friend contacted the guy via e-mail, with the cost of ball, 10.00 profit, and shipping of 12.00 (total was 87.00), and the guy replied, "Ouch, I can get it here for 84.00".

First, your friend should have been upset that the other guy asked to do legwork for a ball he could already get for a great price.
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Saw Mill

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Re: Can I get a Cheapness/Witness
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2003, 05:59:57 PM »

This site, nor the dealers on it, is NOT a Flea Market.  Yes it is business, but like I said, if you already have a better offer somewhere else, the respectful and polite thing to do is say thanks, I'll get back with you, NOT try to imply that the offered deal was overpriced.  Strider makes a very good point, the deal he already knew of was great, and tough to beat, so why even waste someone's time.  Bottom line, if I am going to gripe over 3 dollars, then I had better re-check my money management skills, because if I need three dollars that bad, then I am doing something wrong.  Like I sadi, the guy should have just said thanks, not made the three dollars an issue, and dealt with the guy who supposedly had a 3 dollar better price, BUT not necessarily better service etc...   This dealer even sent the guy am e-mail with an offer of 83.95 (beating the guy's other offer by 5 cents), no answer yet, or is 5 cents not enough, afterall, 5 cents is a big deal at a flea market.  Just not good business respect on the part of the buyer, and the seller should just let him go, as there are better customers that are already on his list, with others still to be gained.

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