I joined a team this year that has won the league the past 3 years. I am the youngest guy on the team. They revamped the team this year adding myself and another scratch bowler.
Last week we go 1100+, 1100+ the first two games. I said "great guys we are clicking right before state." Well that didn't last long. In the fourth frame our 4th bowler tugs the crap out of the ball. He throws hard and with the oil in the middle the ball never moved. However, he struck. Our anchor jokingly says "did you even get two revs on that one?". Of course the fourth bowler goes off the deepend, saying "I get more than two [ajdfj] revs". They argue and we go to hell the last game.
This week, our third bowler and fourth bowler are pissed at each other before bowling even starts. They bowled a tourney this weekend and both entered brackets. They agreed to split the money 50/50. The third bowler used 25 of it to bet on one of our teammates in a Cal cutta auction. Our fourth bowler gets all pissy about it and here we go again.
I think this is the most childish behavior I have ever seen. The fourth bowler makes 100K a year and he is going to complain about 12.50 (his half). The best part about it, they (3rd and 4th bowler) are related. However, I am related to them too.
"Act like you've been there before"