Every persons physical ability level is different.
Earl Anthony didn't get where he got by trying to be something he wasn't. He simply maximized and refined his personal abilities to the ultimate level HE could reach.
Don't spend a lot of time trying to be something that you are not.
The best in the game don't try to change their game, they try to maximize their individual abilities to the highest level possible.
P. D. W. Is all about side turn, medium speed, and hooking the lane. He can do it the other way, but that game is his strength.
W. R. W. Is all about speed and rolling up the back of the ball, going as straight as he can possibly go. He can do it the other way, but this is when he is at his best. It is who he is.
They are both great bowlers, but neither tried to be what he isn't. They both played to their own individual strengths to be the best that they could possibly be.
Be true to yourself, work on YOUR skills, develop what YOU are best at, and try to eliminate as many flaws as you can. When you do this, you will be the best that you can possibly be.