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Author Topic: Can strokers compete against the power players?  (Read 12645 times)


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Can strokers compete against the power players?
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:19:42 PM »
I have been thinking about this for a while and it is pretty confusing.
In today's game, can strokers with rev rates of less than 275 rpm still compete against power players and crankers with rev rates of 380+ rpm?
I've been thinking about this because if you watch most of the touring players, the majority of them have higher rev rates, and you don't have that many strokers making regular shows, maybe one or two. when the outside part of the lane is in play, the strokers usually prevail, but now crankers are learning to throw it straighter, allowing them to play the same part of the lane, so this could be part of what's causing strokers to drop in success.



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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 12:47:31 AM »
If you notice though the guys that have won the most tourneys are the Norm Dukes and WRWs guys that dont turn it very much and go pretty straight when ever it is available. How long has it been since Tommy Jones won? Sean Rash?


 Crankers are just intimidating to watch. I turn the crap out of it and still leave ten pins and four pins stand just like anyone else. In the end it is execution and that matters not power.

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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 01:09:25 AM »
sure they can...its all about simple is better!!!!the more hook the more that can go wrong...!!!the simpler the shot less to correct!!!

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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 03:43:54 AM »
The majority of players who have won on the PBA Tour are NOT power players.


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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 04:26:10 AM »
Two handed bowlers that were suppose to revolutionize the game. It may work on THS but on tour they are in the same boat as everyone else. They just have to work a lot harder to try and do the same thing as everyone else. The bowlers who are versatile are the ones that will always stay consistent near the top and win. 

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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 05:34:35 AM »
 Strokers sure CAN compete.  The guys that win are the ones who locate and repeat shots, and can play every zone on the lane..



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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 07:15:03 AM »

Can they? YES!


Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 10:24:29 AM »
A while back there was some good research done on the amount of mistake room that on a THS and then a Sport shot that Crankers and Strokers created. In the end Crankers got a good 2-3 boards more mistake room than Strokers on the THS, although on the Sport shot they only picked up something like a board and a half more mistake room.
What it all comes down to with strokers vs crankers is lane matchup, anyone can beat anyone else, but if the lanes open up and you can get in and swing the ball with a bit of hold inside I will take Robert Smith everyday, but if they are tight down-lane and there is little-to-no swing room then a Norm Duke for sure. 
As far as strokers dropping in sucsess because crankers can play straighter, that goes both ways, crankers are getting more versatile, but are strokers in response? Not for the most part... I don't see Mike Scroggins getting in and hooking the ball, and a lot of the "house strokers" never get left of 10, so it is their own lack of being versatile that is going to make it hard  to keep up. But if you look at the guys on tour, both WRW Jr and Norm both can hook the ball and get inside, sure their carry isn't going to be able to keep up with a Tommy Jones but to be sucsessful like they have been, over a bunch of patterns, you have to know both games.


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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 11:13:34 AM »
Walter Ray Williams, Jr......47 titles.....Stroker
Earl Anthony......................43 titles.....Stroker
Pete Weber....................... 35 titles.....Not really a power player or a stroker
Mark Roth.........................34 titles.....Power Player
Norm Duke....................... 34 titles.....Stroker
Parker Bohn III..................32 titles.....Stroker
Dick Weber.......................30 titles......Stroker
Mike Aulby........................29 titles.....Stroker
Don Johnson.......................26 titles.....Stroker
Brian Voss..........................25 titles.....Stroker
The PBA players represent the top ten titleists.........only one(1) is a pure power player( Mark Roth ). One, Pete Weber, is really a power stroker like Marshall Holman who has 22 titles.


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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 12:57:09 PM »
 I'd like to see the stats for the last 5 years and then the last 10 years and see what the trend is. My gut feeling is that higher rev guys are becoming more dominant. Your list there contains bowlers who had a lot of success before today's reactive resin. This isn't to say they haven't won titles with the newer stuff though.

Brandon Riley

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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2011, 03:39:12 PM »
All of the new technology is IMO more helpful to the lower rev players too.

Using "hook in a box" often forces the crankers too far inside the oil line to have optimal carry angles, or skid out on THS when they miss in because their rev rate + the newest hook monsters force them too deep.

That same technology allows the strokers to play a little deeper than they could before and vary their ball motion more than ever while still kicking out corner pins.

Advantage is really with the tweeners who can play all parts of the lanes and use technology to play both the angles that strokers and crankers play.  Look at the top guys today:  Barnes, Oneill, Mika...

Brandon Riley

Brunswick Advisory Staff

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Also Sprach Zaruthstra

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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2011, 04:02:55 PM »
On THS, yes crankers have the advantage. There is a guy on my team every week stands left, throws right to the gutter, and it fly's back to the pocket. He knows this summer on sport shots, once the ball gets out past 10, there is no recovery. Guys playing straight up on the flat sport pattern will eat his lunch.


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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2011, 07:55:05 PM »
When I was at Reno I sat in on a friends lesson with Mike Jasnau. My friend brought up a question on how important rev rate is. Jasnau's response was in his opinion it was the least useful stat regarding success. He said if it was that important, everyone on tour would be throwing or trying to throw the exact same rev rate but there are players from 250rpm on up on tour that have had success.


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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2011, 07:14:11 AM »
I think there is something to be said for power.  More revs and speed will create more pin action.  It's simply a matter of energy transfer.
However, it will be power vs accuracy.  There seems to be an inverse relationship to this as most bowlers have to physically "do more" to create revs and speed, thus taking away some accuracy.  
There is a reason why Chris Barnes and Bill O'neill are the best bowlers right now.  They combine pinpoint accuracy with more power than the average stroker so they benefit from both.  I would argue their games are the ideal styles for the modern game.  
You can also argue that accuracy trumps power.  Others have brought in the point about the majority of PBA wins coming from strokers and others have asked about recent winners.  The face of the average PBA player definitely has higher revs than a Norm Duke and WRW.  However, I will also make the point that they are anomalies.  The reason why they are wildly successful comes from their amazing accuracy. 
Power stroker is where it is, regardless of how impressive it might be to watch Osku or Belmo throw pins around.  You just don't see many bowlers with 250 revs winning tournaments these days.  Remember, I said not "many".  It doesn't mean not "any"...

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Re: Can strokers compete against the power players?
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2011, 12:00:30 PM »
80% of the time, I am plenty capable of competing with the power players simply through smart lane play, accuracy, and smart ball choice. The other 20% of the time, however, I don't stand a chance. I simply cannot move left of 20 at the arrows and stand a chance of carrying the 10 pin. Yet guess where the shot is after several games in a tournament that progresses to match play? Also, whenever I bowl on particularly high volumes and/or lengths of oil (for example, the Bradley Open), I am just wasting my time trying to compete with someone capable of creating more entry angle than I can.