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Author Topic: Can the Columbia Hyde be made to act like the Storm Tour Power?  (Read 656 times)


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Can the Hyde be drilled so as to make it act like the Tour Power in oil handling ability, in breakpoint control and in overall hooking amount?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Would prefer experience as my mental extrapolation is leading me down this path. Thank you.
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Re: Can the Columbia Hyde be made to act like the Storm Tour Power?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2004, 11:02:59 PM »
I don't think the hyde has that low R.G. that the Tour Power had.  The only way you'd be able to knock that extra flare and flippiness out of it is to drill it axis(1x1, 1 x 0 etc) to get it rolling.  Or you could do one of my favorites and take a shorter pin, put the pin under the ring finger and put the C.G under the middle finger.  Leave it at 1/2oz negative.  Nice rolly, controllable drill.
-DJ Marshall
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Re: Can the Columbia Hyde be made to act like the Storm Tour Power?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2004, 08:07:58 AM »
Charlest...why are you trying to do this to a Hyde?  Why not just find a Tour Power and drill it out?  

**Shameless Plug** I happen to have a NIB 16 Tour Power ("Pro Pin") sitting at home.  If you have a Hyde (16) maybe a trade can be worked out or you could buy the TP?
-Chris : DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA