Split conversions may be easier to convert than a Dutch. You just have to make the 7-10 once. For a Dutch, you have to strike every time on one lane, and then spare on the next. Either you have bad carry on that lane and you are going 9/ with some 4-pins and 10-pins (for righties) or something of the like. If you are truly lost on that lane, it's even harder for you to stay Dutch. "Lost" incinuates that you can't find the pocket, so the likelyhood of a split, washout, or difficult spare combination is higher, thus resulting in an open frame. I think the Dutch 200 Award is like a consolation prize for "decent bowling." I've had plenty of opportunites, only completed it once. Think about it, how many times have you tripped a 4 pin, or had a messenger-10 or some kind of break that allowed you to double? A dutch game is almost true to its form in that you get what you deserve and your score represents it.
Why does everyone try to make it harder than it really is? Overthinking makes the game that much more difficult.
Edited on 4/12/2007 11:56 AM