There are quite a few patterns that qualify as Sport. Some break down to close to a house shot fairly quickly, others do not. The league I am in puts out a different pattern every 8 weeks, 4 patterns over the season.
Most beginners in a sport shot league can expect a 15-20 pin drop off their THS average. As frustrating as the sport shot can be, I love the challenge and it is so sweet to shoot your 1st 200. We have a few of theguys who have been around the league a few years averaging in the 190-200 range.
As far as practicing after the league is over would give you some idea, but the patterns break down. Depending on the initial pattern you may get a false sense of the challenge. After 4 games in the league, I generally am ready to leave and glad to have a week to recover
It's not that life is too
short. It's that you are dead
for sooooo
LONGEdited on 3/14/2005 0:04 AM