Haha, Bones, we've thought about stuff like that before. And most of the time we don't put the EXACT weight on the ball. If it weighs 15-3, and we're out of stickers and in a hurry or something, we'll stick a 15-4 or 15-2 sticker on there. We like to get it within an ounce though. I've got a ball that's 15-3 and one that's 14-15, and they both feel the same. You can never tell just how much weight drilling is gonna take out anyway. It depends on the layout too, cause with some you could be drilling into the core for all the holes, or for just one or two. Also, if you need a weighthole, that's another half ounce at least. It's not even close to an exact science, so that's why I try to keep telling people it doesn't make a difference. Of course you don't want to get a ball that's 15-0 and take 4 ounces out with all the holes, that WOULD feel different from a ball that's 15-3 after drilling, 14-12 is nearly a half pound lighter. But, lol, my basic point is that 1 or 2 ounces makes NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER.
The whenever-I-feel-like-updating-my-signature series by Hamster, presenting a quote from The Italian Job.
"2.7 million!"
"Are you sure?"
"Wait, no, that's 27 million. 27 million dollars! YES!"
*Awkward silence*
"Just got the, uh, . . holy spirit. You should get on that train, good ride."