And to get in it even further, if you're suspended by the house and not the league, the league can still charge you prize fund in order to stay in good standing with the team (presuming you do not have a plus-man roster where the subs pay) but I don't believe the house can force you to pay lineage for the weeks missed once you come back.
Either way, you need to get the USBC involved (as you have) because assuming -- that's ASSUMING -- we have gotten the actual rundown of what happened, with no details left out, the league officers are wholly out of order. Having said that, the house can do what it likes in regards to who it lets through the doors, but if the USBC finds in your favor, it will likely go to bat for you with the house.
However, if the guy who runs the house is friends with the league officers in question, you're probably not going to get any relief. He can just easily convert your "league ban" to a complete ban from the property and the USBC has no jurisdiction over that.