OK, it's now time for me to start looking into treatment for my hand. I've ignored the issue for long enough, and between my career in IT and bowling, I can't ignore it anymore.
I've known that my wrist has been compromised for years. When I was younger and bowling lots, I used to have to hit my hand against the wall to wake it up. Back in 02, I injured my middle finger while bowling, and since then, there has been pain in my elbow and a tendon in my finger that moves. When I flex my middle finger, I can literally see the tendon move in my wrist, and can feel it up to my elbow. I bowl now, and if I bowl anymore than 5 games, I'm hurting the next morning.
I never did anything because I heard horror stories about the surgery and that you lose a bunch of strength in your hand, but right now, I feel like that is my only alternative. So I was wondering what everyone's experiences were.