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Author Topic: Carry on luggage for airplanes.  (Read 1089 times)


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Carry on luggage for airplanes.
« on: August 22, 2008, 07:45:26 PM »
I have a quick question.

Has anyone ever used the base out of a 4 or 6 ball roller as their carry on luggage for travelling on a plane. Just the bottom 2 ball section,is it too big?

I only ask because I want to get a new 6 ball bag when Im over this year and I want to bring a ball back with me and I usually carry it on the plane. Need as much weight for cases as possible.

I'm only asking to save the possibility of having the handle wrecked by baggage handling over here. Sometimes they can be brutal. Thanks.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
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Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
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Re: Carry on luggage for airplanes.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 06:41:03 AM »
I doubt if it will fit in the overhead compartment.
So it will then be stored underneath the plane.
Personally I think the bigger roller bags are too cubersome to be loaded in and out of vehicles safely.
Also if you live in a climate with snowfall it opens up another can of worms.
If it doesn't come from Team Utah.
Just leave it in the car or at home.
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Re: Carry on luggage for airplanes.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 10:54:29 AM »
I have started traveling by train and there is no problem with carry on.  Last year we had our BowlExpo booth in checked luggage on the plane.  99 pounds! plus our carry ons.  Not even going to think about next year.


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Re: Carry on luggage for airplanes.
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 05:54:11 PM »
You might get away with it as the size of one of the sections of a 4 or 6 ball bag usually fits the requirement for carry on size. But I bet due to weight they would require it to be stowed under the seat in front of you and not in an overhead bin. And depending on airport, the TSA check might give you funny looks as it passes through the X ray.

I have had no issues carrying on a single ball in an original box but again, not sure about one in a bag or not.


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Re: Carry on luggage for airplanes.
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 10:49:56 PM »
when I went to reno, I carried 1 of my bowling balls in a backpack (which was my carry on), and they had to open my bag and check the ball. ***NOTE*** When doing this, I would STRONGLY SUGGEST that you carry a ball without plug, as I had to go through a lot of BS since it was a ball that had plugwork.

Anyway, back to your original question, I wouldn't suggest carrying on the bottom piece (the part with the handle), as it won't meet the requirements of size for a carryon, which could then cost you dearly, since they would make you check the bag....whic would make you over the limit for checked bags, and I believe that you're looking at $100 US for 1 extra bag 1-way (and that isn't even for an overseas flight). Try checking the bottom part, and carry on the top or middle (though the middle probably won't have a decent carrying handle).

Big Willy Style

PS...can't wait to see ya next month!
Just my $0.02 so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
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Re: Carry on luggage for airplanes.
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 05:58:31 PM »
I usually take a single ball bag to bring a ball back to the UK in.

I have had a few funny looks at X Ray. On a Uranaim Solid they had to turn it around a few times to see the core properly, thought they were going to stop me at one point

I just wanted to try the base section but with only 1 ball in it. I thought if I took the base then it would stop the handle section from being possibly broken in customs.

I may take the centre section and add a carry strap, should be the smallest section. Thanks all.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
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Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
Thong Princess.
Thanks for the FUN times.