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Author Topic: Carry Pecentage  (Read 2017 times)


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Carry Pecentage
« on: November 01, 2004, 11:56:11 PM »
Do lower average (sub 190) bowlers have an unreasonable expectation of carry percentage?

On typical house conditions I seldom miss the pocket. However I do not expect every shot that comes near the pocket to strike. I know full well that a carry percentage of 65% on good shoots is about all I can expect over the long haul.

I see a lot of lower average bowlers who seem to feel that every ball that hits the pocket should strike, many on pocket hits I would call marginal at best. They then compound the situation by getting frustrated when they don’t carry and end up missing the single pin.  



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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2004, 08:04:59 AM »
Being in a junior league I see this a lot. A lot of the younger kids expect everything near the pocket to strike. If its high, it should strike. If it's light, it should strike. Dead flush, it damn well better strike. I, myself fit into that catagory of sub 190 bowlers, however I have learned that not every ball your throw will strike, even if it is dead flush. Of course when I throw a perfect shot I'm disappointed that they all didn't fall....but who wouldn't be. I just try to regroup and pick the spare.
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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2004, 09:37:43 AM »
Do lower average (sub 190) bowlers have an unreasonable expectation of carry percentage?

Yes, and then they will blame it on the laneman next.
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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2004, 09:47:09 AM »
Do lower average (sub 190) bowlers have an unreasonable expectation of carry percentage

Yes, but it's really the player that does NOT understand what it takes to carry in and aroud the pocket.  As we all know the only tap is an 8 for a RH'er and a 9 for a wronghander.



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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2004, 09:47:40 AM »
In the second half of my first YABA season last year, I figured out/realized exactly what you said.  I think it helped me, because when I don't get a strike, I can easily figure out why, and what to do to change that.  But as you say, a lot of the people in my league complain and whine when they don't get a strike, and I usually say "Well geez, you came up so high you barely hit the 3 pin, you should have a split!  Consider yourself lucky!".  Then they usually give me a dirty look and say nothing.

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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2004, 10:03:14 AM »
Sawbones – Yes some higher average bowlers do it as well. But I see it predominately in 160 to 180 average bowlers who have learned to hook the ball.

While most of the time I understand the dynamics of why I leave a single pin there are still the occasional shot that defies my analysis.

I will react at times when I really need one to win a match and the shot felt really good off my hand.

I’m sure the feeling gets refined as your skill level improves, but there are some shots that come off your hand so good you just know they will strike. And I would guess, in my case, at least 95% of the time they do strike.

The problem is I probably don’t throw but 4 or 5 of those shots in a session. The other strikes are balls that just don’t quiet have that same feeling but are still good quality shots. I would guess the pros get to were about 30+% of their shots feel that way.


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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2004, 10:19:59 AM »
Yes this is a common occurance that i have seen also. The only time i get pissed is when i leave a solid 8 pin and the ball seems to almost hit the 8 pin, or a ringing ten pin. Those just kill me!


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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2004, 10:20:50 AM »
Pinbuster -

  Those bowlers pay $200+ for several balls... all of which they buy to give them carry on poor execution. Of course they are not knowledgable enough to know that the ball today can give them extraordinary strike precentages when properly thrown but expect that techonology should give it to them. Why else spend $800 on 4 balls another $200 on shoes and a roller and $15-$20 per night to bowl. I understand there expectation clearly... it used to be that if you wanted a high strike percentage everyone understood you had to develop your game... but not today.

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Re: Carry Pecentage
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2004, 10:27:52 AM »
The problem is I probably don’t throw but 4 or 5 of those shots in a session. The other strikes are balls that just don’t quiet have that same feeling but are still good quality shots. I would guess the pros get to were about 30+% of their shots feel that way.


Sheesh lately I think I've only felt great about 2 or 3 in a 3 game set.  Good point PB.

Those bowlers pay $200+ for several balls... all of which they buy to give them carry on poor execution. Of course they are not knowledgable enough to know that the ball today can give them extraordinary strike precentages when properly thrown but expect that techonology should give it to them. Why else spend $800 on 4 balls another $200 on shoes and a roller and $15-$20 per night to bowl. I understand there expectation clearly... it used to be that if you wanted a high strike percentage everyone understood you had to develop your game... but not today.

I like this too pc.
