The point of the article is that there is no such thing as carrydown. He does not state or even imply that there could be any circumstances under which there is or could be carrrydown. If everyone ALWAYS bowled on freshy applied oil AND always used only resin balls, then I would agree.
However, in the real world, people do not always bowl on freshly applied oil.
They do not always use only resin ball. There is carrydown at times. The less bowling center management cares for lanes (such things as, not stripping the backends daily) and leagues (allowing open bowling before leagues and after applying oil), the more likely we are to see carrydown and not just lane breakdown.
If your center takes care of your leagues and you really do not see carrydown, consider yourself lucky. That''s one less thing you have to worry about or consider as a possibility when your ball reaction changes.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Edited on 4/15/2010 8:36 AM