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Author Topic: Cell Ball Question  (Read 669 times)


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Cell Ball Question
« on: March 11, 2009, 02:52:25 AM »

Had this ball for about 6 to 8 months and I keep hearing stories about the ball losing hook..  Is this true?
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Re: Cell Ball Question
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 11:22:22 AM »
No, its the ball losing that new ball love. I have 2 from the first few weeks of the release one is at about 300 games and there other about 200. They are both still going strong. To top it all off the one with 300 games is the sanded one and I can still step into the gutter and play the deep line and it still can get carry. If you take care of this ball it should last you a long time. Roto Grip says 18 months min. That is when they are coming out with its replacement so don't expect it to die until at least then. As long as you remember to wipe it off and clean it. As a rule I do hot water baths or bakings for solid sanded balls every 50-75 games and polished balls starting at 100 every 50 games.
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The Cell Pimp
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