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Author Topic: CG NOMADDAH VIDEO *Pic Page 2*  (Read 18304 times)


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« on: April 08, 2007, 08:57:29 PM »
Amending Brunswick's conclusive data of CG irrelevancy for ball reaction & track flare, using Lane #1 Equipment.

Video debuting 04.16.07
edit: 04.18.07 is the new date

Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-07
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

Edited on 4/9/2007 4:57 AM

Edited on 4/9/2007 8:43 PM

Edited on 4/13/2007 4:17 PM
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling



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« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2007, 09:57:59 PM »

I think you are missing the point of the video.  There are numerous ill-informed shop operators (just in my local area), who would fight you to the end in an aguement because they truly believe that a ball with 1/2 oz of side and 1/2 oz of thumb weight will roll differently that the same ball with the same pin position and 1/2 oz neg side and 1/2 oz of finger.  As a matter of fact, I've had a discussion with a local "regional pro" who was convinced that a ball with thumb weight would be his best option for fresh heavy oil (totally ignoring the fact that it was a mild pearl).. simply because of the statics.  What is going to be shown here is that REGARDLESS of statics, symmetric-core balls with identical pin positions react identically.  Whether the difference is between 1/2 pos and 1/2 neg side weight (or 3 oz pos and 3 oz neg side...or finger... or thumb).  This is only to prove a point that it doesn't matter what the ending statics are with regards to reaction.


Does that mean that statics DO matter on asymmetrically core balls?

I'm just curious because I had an asymm ball that wouldn't move for me.  Took it in and found 1 oz of pos side weight.  Pro shop drilled existing x-hole deeper and took it to 1/2 oz pos side weight.  Ball worked much better for me.  

Now, I'm just trying to understand the "why" so that I don't become one of those people that starts to believe that I NEED to have a specific side weight.

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« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2007, 10:48:22 PM »
qstick, All you were doing was removing mass, nothing more.

Eddie M, they didn't pass that rule just because of the conflicts it would create between laying out new balls, and bowlers with equipment "out of spec" that would need to be redrilled.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-07
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2007, 01:05:06 AM »
If CG really doesn't matter then why even bother laying out a symmetrical ball?  Why do people lay out balls with the CG moved all over the place, label, stacked, kicked out?

I've seen the throwbot video, and really if they wanted to be scientific they should have stripped and oiled the lanes between each shot.  The video doesn't show anything since the oil is moving and drying up, and each ball thrown reacts differently.


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« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2007, 01:24:15 AM »
STATIC WEIGHTS ARE USELESS!!!!!  ABC was outdated, USBC needs to amend the rule..
Two different definitions from

7.   Physics. acting by mere weight without producing motion: static pressure.

1.    not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"

What good does an ounce of thumb/finger weight, pos/neg side weight, do to a 14-16 lb object traveling at 12-20 mph with 150-400 rpms really mean???  Jack squat...  16 lbs = 256 ounces..  move an ounce here or there it will not make a difference in the new high tech/multi density cores on the market today..     Maneuver a pancake weight block in a rubber shell, then you might see a difference..

Just my opinion, and I have no scientific proof or data to back it up..

Edited on 4/10/2007 1:24 AM


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« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2007, 01:48:21 AM »

I think you are missing the point of the video.  There are numerous ill-informed shop operators (just in my local area), who would fight you to the end in an aguement because they truly believe that a ball with 1/2 oz of side and 1/2 oz of thumb weight will roll differently that the same ball with the same pin position and 1/2 oz neg side and 1/2 oz of finger.  As a matter of fact, I've had a discussion with a local "regional pro" who was convinced that a ball with thumb weight would be his best option for fresh heavy oil (totally ignoring the fact that it was a mild pearl).. simply because of the statics.  What is going to be shown here is that REGARDLESS of statics, symmetric-core balls with identical pin positions react identically.  Whether the difference is between 1/2 pos and 1/2 neg side weight (or 3 oz pos and 3 oz neg side...or finger... or thumb).  This is only to prove a point that it doesn't matter what the ending statics are with regards to reaction.


Does that mean that statics DO matter on asymmetrically core balls?

I'm just curious because I had an asymm ball that wouldn't move for me.  Took it in and found 1 oz of pos side weight.  Pro shop drilled existing x-hole deeper and took it to 1/2 oz pos side weight.  Ball worked much better for me.  

Now, I'm just trying to understand the "why" so that I don't become one of those people that starts to believe that I NEED to have a specific side weight.

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If you layout 2 same assymetric ball with the same Pin and MB position, regardless of CG position and legal or not it will react the same, however, because of that layout called for a weight hole to make it legal, the position and size/depth of the weight hole will have the effect on flare potential, hence different in ball reacton.  But that different ball reaction is not cause by static weight positive/negative or finger/thumb, Is all cause by the X-hole position.


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« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2007, 01:52:38 AM »
If CG really doesn't matter then why even bother laying out a symmetrical ball?  Why do people lay out balls with the CG moved all over the place, label, stacked, kicked out?

I've seen the throwbot video, and really if they wanted to be scientific they should have stripped and oiled the lanes between each shot.  The video doesn't show anything since the oil is moving and drying up, and each ball thrown reacts differently.

By different layout driller can plan ahead whether a weight hole is called for or not, on a symetrical core ball, we can use the weight hole to change the ending PSA by removing core mass from the weight hole.  Again, the change of ball motion is not cause by the static weight.


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« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2007, 09:56:08 AM »
So, if you took 3 or 4 of the same symmetrical ball, used the "degree" system to lay them out(45, 75, 105, ect.), used the same pin to pap distance and no weight holes, they will react the same?


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« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2007, 10:08:44 AM »
that is what i get out of it..need a expert to clarify...
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~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======


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« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2007, 10:18:39 AM »
I think you are missing the point of the video.  

Strapper: I guess I have to a certain point. I get it now. If Nick wants to emphasize Brunswick's stance on "CG NOMADDAH" using different video, that's cool. I don't think it's coincidence he's using Lane#1 balls for the demonstration. I'm guessing he wants to stick it to the diamond heads he's done battle with. I'm sure at some point, T-GOD will chime in, and the fun will begin.

My issue with the whole "CG NOMADDAH" thing is that it's rarely discussed in context. Many of the bowlers here really believe "CG NOMADDAH" in an absolute sense. They think that they can place the pin anywhere they want, forget about the CG, and when all is said and done (even if a large X-Hole for USBC compliance is required), it doesn't matter -- because reaction is totally dictated by the pin. In this case, Brunswick is doing a disservice to Joe Bowler who reads these debates.

Otherwise, I'm going to kick back and enjoy the show.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 4/10/2007 10:18 AM


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« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2007, 10:31:06 AM »
If CG really doesn't matter then why even bother laying out a symmetrical ball?  Why do people lay out balls with the CG moved all over the place, label, stacked, kicked out?

I've seen the throwbot video, and really if they wanted to be scientific they should have stripped and oiled the lanes between each shot.  The video doesn't show anything since the oil is moving and drying up, and each ball thrown reacts differently.

By different layout driller can plan ahead whether a weight hole is called for or not, on a symetrical core ball, we can use the weight hole to change the ending PSA by removing core mass from the weight hole.  Again, the change of ball motion is not cause by the static weight.

So lets say you set up two balls, one label without a weight hole and one with the CG kicked out with a weight hole.  And lets say for grins that the weight hole on the 2nd ball doesn't hit the core.  So essentially you are just taking out side weight to make the ball legal without affecting the dynamics of the core.  Will both balls react the same?  Or does that ounce taken out by the weight hole affect it?

According to the CG no matter rule, the weight hole shouldn't affect anything in this case.  So once again, why even bother with a layout?

I'm still not convinced.  Everybody here has felt what a out of balance wheel feels like on a car.  In that case a tiny weight at the edge of the rim can affect how a 35lb wheel rolls.  Why can't an ounce or two in a bowling ball affect the roll?

*Edit* After quick search it looks like the largest wheel weight they make is 3oz.  The smallest I could find is .25 of an ounce.  So comparable to the numbers we are talking about with a bowling ball.
Some quick math - a 26" tall tire (typical for a car) is doing 517rpms at 40mph.    Taller truck and suv tires will be doing less rpms at the same speed.

Edited on 4/10/2007 10:56 AM


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« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2007, 10:47:23 AM »
7.   Physics. acting by mere weight without producing motion: static pressure.

1.    not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"

But static weight set up dynamic imbalances.  No, the static weights don't matter much when the ball is sitting on the rack.  Start it moving and that's a different story.

What good does an ounce of thumb/finger weight, pos/neg side weight, do to a 14-16 lb object traveling at 12-20 mph with 150-400 rpms really mean???  Jack squat...  16 lbs = 256 ounces..  move an ounce here or there it will not make a difference in the new high tech/multi density cores on the market today..     Maneuver a pancake weight block in a rubber shell, then you might see a difference..

Just my opinion, and I have no scientific proof or data to back it up..

Take the lead weights off your car tires if you really don't believe a very small fraction of the weight makes a difference.  Does a 1-2gram weight on a wheel/tire that weighs well over 30# matter while the car is sitting in your driveway?  You could put the thing on a rod and balance it perfectly, and add/remove the lead weights and probably not make much difference.

Start rotating the tire at 60mph and see if you're still convinced that that 1-2g weight can't possibly affect something thousands of times heavier.

Oh, shelley, but that's a car travelling at 60mph, not a bowling ball travelling at 15mph.  It's also a few grams out of a few hundred thousand grams versus an ounce against 220+ ounces.  One of those is 0.000001%, one of them is more like 0.3%.  And just to make things even more interesting, consider that a 215/60R15 tire (moderately common size, certainly an "average" tire) travelling 60mph will spin at around 800rpm.  Only three or four times what a typical bowler will do to a bowling ball.  You're not looking at rev rates that are extremely far apart.

"No scientific proof" indeed.  Hmmph.

Are there other factors in ball motion that swamp the effects of the static weights?  Absolutely.  Which you even acknowledge when you suggest taking a rubber ball with a pancake core.  There's no core dynamics, no preferred spin axes, no oil-coverstock-lane surface friction to make things interesting.  Modern balls have those in spades, and any effect of the CG I believe will be easily turned into noise once you start measuring ball reactions.


Edited on 4/10/2007 10:47 AM


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« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2007, 11:36:48 AM »

So lets say you set up two balls, one label without a weight hole and one with the CG kicked out with a weight hole. And lets say for grins that the weight hole on the 2nd ball doesn't hit the core. So essentially you are just taking out side weight to make the ball legal without affecting the dynamics of the core. Will both balls react the same? Or does that ounce taken out by the weight hole affect it?

According to the CG no matter rule, the weight hole shouldn't affect anything in this case. So once again, why even bother with a layout?

They ball motion should be the same, or I should say not noticable.

I'm still not convinced. Everybody here has felt what a out of balance wheel feels like on a car. In that case a tiny weight at the edge of the rim can affect how a 35lb wheel rolls. Why can't an ounce or two in a bowling ball affect the roll?

*Edit* After quick search it looks like the largest wheel weight they make is 3oz. The smallest I could find is .25 of an ounce. So comparable to the numbers we are talking about with a bowling ball.
Some quick math - a 26" tall tire (typical for a car) is doing 517rpms at 40mph. Taller truck and suv tires will be doing less rpms at the same speed.


Stactic imbalance is Mass X Distance
Dynamic Imbalance is Mass X Distance Square

For a tire the weight is hung on the edge of the rim, for a bowling ball the RG is within the distance of 2.43" to 2.8" from the center of the ball.  Big difference there.  Physically there should be a difference, but whether you can see it or feel it thats the argument.

I am not good in physics, and what you are suggesting is also just a concept.  What Brunsnick going to do is show and tell without any scientific methodogy, what we will see from the video is going to be raw data.  We need someone with physics background to prove it, which I am sure Brunswick have people like that, but whats good for them to make a statement so technical that most of the bowlers won't understand all the technical jargons.



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« Reply #43 on: April 10, 2007, 09:29:11 PM »

If you layout 2 same assymetric ball with the same Pin and MB position, regardless of CG position and legal or not it will react the same, however, because of that layout called for a weight hole to make it legal, the position and size/depth of the weight hole will have the effect on flare potential, hence different in ball reacton.  But that different ball reaction is not cause by static weight positive/negative or finger/thumb, Is all cause by the X-hole position.

Okay, so if the x-hole didn't move position, to what can I attribute the difference in ball reaction?

I don't remember if the x-hole was drilled deeper, or if the guy drilled it bigger.  Either way, I'm pretty sure the hole did not take out any material from the core.  So, the only thing removed was the ball filler that made up 1/2 ounce.

The lanes did not change in the time the guy watched me throw the ball, took it back and weighed it, and then removed the 1/2 ounce.  Clearly I did not suddenly start throwing the ball better.  I did however see a major difference in ball reaction.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but I don't understand how statics do not play a part in reaction.  I only know what I experienced.  Maybe when I take the 2 day pro shop class I'll understand better.


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« Reply #44 on: April 10, 2007, 10:15:46 PM »

If you layout 2 same assymetric ball with the same Pin and MB position, regardless of CG position and legal or not it will react the same, however, because of that layout called for a weight hole to make it legal, the position and size/depth of the weight hole will have the effect on flare potential, hence different in ball reacton.  But that different ball reaction is not cause by static weight positive/negative or finger/thumb, Is all cause by the X-hole position.

Okay, so if the x-hole didn't move position, to what can I attribute the difference in ball reaction?

I don't remember if the x-hole was drilled deeper, or if the guy drilled it bigger.  Either way, I'm pretty sure the hole did not take out any material from the core.  So, the only thing removed was the ball filler that made up 1/2 ounce.

The lanes did not change in the time the guy watched me throw the ball, took it back and weighed it, and then removed the 1/2 ounce.  Clearly I did not suddenly start throwing the ball better.  I did however see a major difference in ball reaction.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but I don't understand how statics do not play a part in reaction.  I only know what I experienced.  Maybe when I take the 2 day pro shop class I'll understand better.


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You cannot ignore what you saw and what you experienced, however thats not mesearable.  Be honest with you, I am just stating what I learned and what I understand, I do not have a lot of knowledge in physic.  I have been reading some articles about RG and moment of inertia, also trying to understand more on axis migration.

I really hope some more expert can get on this site to explain more.  Brunsnick is just a bowler, a Brunswick staffer, I don't know how good he is in physic, but he is trying to go an extra mile to test something for the public, Brunswick put up the video last year, great job.  But where is the other big boys?  Like Del Warren, Ron Hickland, Hank Boomershine and more, they all come to this site from time to time, where is there input?  

Well lets kick back and watch the video and start the debate all over again.

L o G

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« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2007, 10:28:54 PM »
If CG does'nt matter then I have a question about the Rico drilling.  Again if it does'nt matter then why not just put the pin in your grip center and it not matter where the cg is in relation to your pap?  Does it have to do with where the ball flares?

Thanks, Daniel
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For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Et Spiritus Sancti."

Edited on 4/10/2007 10:31 PM